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Population Health Forum
Advocating for Action Toward a Healthier Society

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University Courses

K-12 Curriculum

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University Courses

There appears to be a lack of educational opportunities that address the structural basis of most of the health problems in the world. Instead there is a tendency to blame the victim, be it an individual human or a country, for the health problems that result from various behaviors and practices that are deemed unhealthy. This is certainly the case in many public health programs and in medical schools. We will list courses here that are primordial in nature to get at the structural and political issues that underly health problems. Please let us know about other courses and learning opportunities that you are aware of.

Global Population Health (University of Washington)

Social Determinants of Health Curriculum for secondary schools, universities and health professionals.

The Forum recognizes the need to engage young people in health issues that go beyond washing their hands, and saying NO. We are developing and testing curricular materials that deal with health issues on a broader scale. Visit Just Health Action for further information.

Speaker's Bureau

If you would like a presentation from the Population Health Forum for your organization, please contact Stephen Bezruchka at sabez@u.washington.edu.

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