EdgeWrite for Developers

Developers can build their own versions of EdgeWrite in about 10 lines of code. The EdgeWrite DLL is written in C# and can be used with any .NET language. It is targeted to the .NET 4.8 platform. The DLL is fully documented with MSDN-like documentation built by NDoc.

EdgeWrite DLL

The EdgeWrite DLL supports both character-level and word-level stroking. Extract the contents of this download:

  Download version 4.0.1
  October 14, 2020

Download contents
EdgeWrite.dllThe C# DLL implementing EdgeWrite text entry.
EwDoc.chmThe MSDN-like doc file describing the DLL's API.
Charset.xmlThe EdgeWrite XML character set (for reference).
EdgeWrite.Test.exeA C# test program that exercises the DLL.
srcThe C# .NET 4.8 project and source code for the DLL.

Word-level Stroking (recommended)

Word-level strokes are provided through a design called in-stroke word completion. To enable word-level strokes in Windows versions, two News.* data files must be loaded at runtime through the DLL. These data files are provided in the following separate download and should be put in the same directory as the EdgeWrite DLL. (Note: For the Stylus version of EdgeWrite on Palm OS, the word-level stroking file is included in that download itself.)

  Download News.* files
  March 3, 2006

Download contents
News.vfreqThe vocabulary frequency file.
News.id3gramThe trigram frequency file.
MyWords.ufreqA user-defined vocabulary frequency file (optional).
README.txtA brief explanation of these files.