The 3 Diagnostic Facial Features of FAS
(All three must be present)
Examples of the full (Rank 4) FAS facial phenotype across race and age (A) Caucasian, (B) Caucasian infant, (C) African American, (D) Asian, (E) Hispanic, (F) Native American.
(copyright Susan Astley Hemingway 2012)
Short Palpebral Fissure Lengths
Distance from A to B is 2 or more standard
deviations below the mean.
Smooth Philtrum The vertical groove between the nose and upper lip is a
Rank 4 or 5 on the Lip-Philtrum Guide.
Click here to view additional instructional photos on how to identify a Rank 4 or Rank 5 philtrum.
Thin Upper Lip
Red portion of upper lip is a
Rank 4 or 5 on the Lip-Philtrum Guide.