
  FHL Marine Botany  ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::   Taxonomy | Habitat | Morphology | Life History | Ecology | Biochemistry


Where can you find F. distichus?


Carpet of F. distichus photographed during low tide in the rocky intertidal to the left of the docks at Friday Harbor Laboratories, San Juan Island, WA. Note the low algal biodiversity; F. distichus is the dominant species in this tidal zone


Another dense carpet of F. distichus in the high intertidal photographed during low tide at Cattle Point, San Juan Island, WA





The rockweed Fucus distichus is abundant in the high intertidal zone, commonly settling on stationary rocky substrate.  This species is often the competitive dominant in this environment due to its resilient physiology.  The ability to withstand dessication and environmental extremes allows F. distichus to form thick, homogenous carpets in one of the most physically demanding habitats of the interidal(1).



F. distichus is found in numerous temperate coastal systems around the world.  On the west coast of North America its range extends from the southern coast of California to the most northern region of Canada.  On the east coast of North America, F. distichus is found in the northern temperate coastal regions.  The alga has also been sited in Britain, Ireland and other temperate European systems (2).

















  1. Vijayaraghavan, M.R. et al.  Brown Algae: Structure, ultrastructure and reproduction.  APH Publishing Corp 1998.

  2. Algae Base.