Presentations (Invited, plenary/keynote lecture, out of 350) by all GEMSEC PIs
2010 | ||
207. |
D.T. Schwartz, Invited Talk, "Orchestrated Structure Evolution," International Society of Electrochemistry, Nice France Sept, 2010. | |
206. |
D. Ginger, U.S.-Korea Conference on Science and Technology, Energy and Environmental Technologies (invited) Seattle, WA, Aug., 2010. | |
205. |
D.T. Schwartz, Invited Talk, "Inspired by Nature: Seeded growth, configurational entropy, and nanomanufacturing", Gordon Research Conference on Electrodeposition, New London, NH July, 2010. | |
204. |
D. Ginger, Gordon Research Conference, Electronic Processes in Organic Materials, Mt. Holyoke, MA D. Ginger (discussion leader), Jul., 2010, | |
203. |
C. Tamerler, “Bi-functional Protein-GEPI Molecular Constructs for Bionanotechnology”, Recent advances at the bio/abio interface Symposium, Biomolecular Interaction Centre, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, June 2010. | |
202. |
C. Tamerler, “Opportunities and Challenges for Marine Biology: Biological Routes to Nanotechnology, 39th International Conference of CIESM- The Mediterranean Science Commission, Venice, Italy, May 2010. | |
201. |
C. Tamerler, “Genetically Engineered Peptides and Fusion Proteins at the Bio-nano-interfaces” Protein Biotechnology Summer School, University of Crete, Heraklion, Greece, May 2010. | |
200. |
C. Tamerler, “Biotechnology Expanding to Nanotechnology”, National Biotechnology Student Conference, Fatih University, Istanbul, Turkey, May, 2010. | |
199. |
M. Sarikaya, “Nanotechnology and Cancer,” Science and Society Lecture, Whitworth College, Spokane, WA, Apr. 2010. | |
198. |
R. Samudrala, "Understanding life at the atomic level. Paws-on-Science" Huskies Weekend at the Pacific Science Center, Seattle, WA. Apr., 2010. | |
197. |
D.T. Schwartz, Departmental Seminar, "Protein-aided Nanomanufacturing", Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville April 2010. | |
196. |
M. Sarikaya, “Design of Bio-Nano Interface using engineered peptides,” MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, Apr. 2010. | |
195. |
D. Ginger, Materials Research Society Spring Meeting (invited) San Francisco, CA, Apr., 2010. | |
194. |
D.T. Schwartz, Departmental Seminar, "Protein-aided Nanomanufacturing", Materials Science and Engineering, University of Washington April, 2010. | |
193. |
C. Tamerler and M. Sarikaya, “Engineered Peptides for Biomaterials,” Society of Biomaterials Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, Apr. 2010. | |
192. |
M. Sarikaya, “Molecular Biomimetics- Peptide-based Materials and Systems,” Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, Apr. 2010. | |
191. |
A.K-Y. Jen, Invited Talk, Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April, 2010. | |
190. |
D.T. Schwartz, Linford Award Address, "Educating electrochemical engineers for the 21st century", 217th Meeting of the Electrochemical Society, Vancouver, BC Apr., 2010. | |
189. |
C. Tamerler, “ Genetically Designed Peptides for Materials Synthesis and Assembly” Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, USA, Apr., 2010. | |
188. |
M. Sarikaya, ‘Molecular Biomimetics – Peptide based Materials and Systems,” Princeton University PRISM Colloquium, Princeton, NJ, Apr., 2010. | |
187. |
A.K-Y. Jen, Invited Talk, The American Chemical Society Meeting, San Francisco, CA, March, 2010. | |
186. |
D. Ginger, Energy Future Lecture Series, UW Campus, March 2010. | |
185. |
A.K-Y. Jen, Invited Talk, Colloquium at the National Institute of Materials Science, Tsukuba, Japan, March 2010. | |
184. |
E. E. Oren, R. Samudrala “Bioinformatics design of solid binding peptides for bionanotechnology” Biomaterials Seminar, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA, invited, March, 2010. | |
183. |
A.K-Y. Jen, Invited Talk, The AFOSR sponsored US-Taiwan Nanoscience & Nanotechnology Workshop, Giaosi, Taiwan, March, 2010. | |
182. |
C.K. Luscombe, “Controlled externally-initiated polymerizations for semiconducting polymers”, ACS Spring meeting, San Francisco, March 2010. | |
181. |
A.K-Y. Jen, Invited Talk, “Workshop on Nanophotonics and Biophotonics”, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, Mar., 2010. | |
180. |
C.K. Luscombe, “The effect of nanoscale to mesoscale structures in organic photovoltaic devices”, Physical chemistry seminar, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, March 2010 | |
179. |
A.K-Y. Jen, Invited Talk, Molecular Foundry, Berkeley, CA, March, 2010. | |
178. |
D. Ginger, American Chemical Society National Meeting (invited), San Francisco, CA, Mar., 2010. | |
177. |
A.K-Y. Jen, Invited Talk, The American Physics Society Meeting, Portland, OR, March 2010 | |
176. |
C.K. Lucombe, "Controlled polymerizations for semiconducting polymers and their applications in organic photovoltaic devices". Department of Chemistry, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, February 2010. | |
175. |
C. Tamerler and M. Sarikaya, “Materials Science and Engineering using Peptides,: TMS Annual Meeting,Seattle, WA, Feb. 2010. | |
174. |
A.K-Y. Jen, Invited Talk, NSF STC on “Materials and Devices for Information Technology Research”, Retreat, Seattle, WA, Feb., 2010. | |
173. |
D. Ginger, Vanderbilt Institute for Nanoscience Colloquium, Nashville, TN, Feb. 2010. | |
172. |
A.K-Y. Jen, Invited Talk, “Workshop on Interfacial Phenomena in Nanostructured Materials and Devices”, Telluride, CO, Feb., 2010. | |
171. |
J. S. Evans, M. Ndao, F. Amos, L. Estroff, E. Keene, “Pearls from chaos”, Invited talk, USC Medical Center, Winter, 2010. | |
170. |
C.K. Luscombe,, “Controlled polymerizations for semiconducting polymers and their applications in organic photovoltaic devices” Seminar, Department of Chemistry, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, Feb. 2010. | |
169. |
- E. E. Oren, R. Samudrala, J. S. Evans, Malcolm L. Snead, Martha J. Somerman, C. Tamerler and M. Sarikaya “Computational biomimetic design of materials specific peptides” TMS 2010 139th Annual Meeting & Exhibition" Bio-inspired Materials Design and Processing I: Macromolecular Concepts and Applications, Seattle, WA, USA, Feb. 2010. | |
168. |
C.K. Luscombe, “Controlled synthesis of semiconducting polymers via the Kumada catalyst transfer polycondensation reaction” Inorganic chemistry seminar, University of Washington, Seattle, Feb 2010 | |
167. |
C.K. Luscombe, "The effect of nanoscale to mesoscale structures in organic photovoltaic devices". College of Engineering, Columbia University, New York, NY, February 2010. | |
166. |
A.K-Y. Jen, Invited Talk, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, Jan., 2010. | |
165. |
F. Baneyx, "Building functional nanostructures with proteins". Center for Nanotechnology Seminar Series, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, January 2009. | |
164. |
D. Ginger, Technical University of Eindhoven, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, Jan., 2010. | |
163. |
A.K-Y. Jen, Invited Talk, Photonics West Meeting, San Jose, CA, Jan., 2010. | |
162. |
M. Sarikaya, “Molecular Biomimetics – A Progress Report,” Biomimetic Materials Processing, BMMT-10, Nagoya, Japan, Jan., 2010. | |
161. |
C. Tamerler, “Fusion Proteins for Bionanotechnological Applications”, 10th International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing, Nagoya, Japan, Jan., 2010. | |
160. |
C.K. Luscombe, "The effect of nanoscale to mesoscale structures in organic photovoltaic devices". Center of Nanotechnology Seminar, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, January 2010. | |
2009 | ||
159. |
M. Sarikaya, “Genetically engineered Biology/materials Interfaces,” MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, Dec., 2009 | |
158. |
F. Baneyx, "Building Nature’s way: protein-aided nanofabrication". Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, December 2009. | |
157. |
E. E. Oren, R. Samudrala, J. S. Evans, C. Tamerler and M. Sarikaya “Bioinformatics-based design of multifunctional solid-binding peptides” MRS 2008 Fall Meeting, "Symposium UU: Molecular Biomimetics and Materials Design, Boston, MA, USA, Dec., 2009. | |
156. |
M. Sarikaya, “Genetically Engineered Materials and Systems,” NSF Grantees’ Conference, National Science Foundation, Dec.9, 2009. | |
155. |
D. Ginger, Fall MRS Meeting (invited) Boston, MA, Dec., 2009 | |
154. |
M. Sarikaya, “Genetically Engineered Materials and Systems,” Biologically Inspired Systems, Topical Workshop, Cambridge, MA, Dec., 2009. | |
153. |
A.K-Y. Jen, Invited Talk, Korea University International Workshop on Dye-Sensitized and Organic Solar Cells, Korea University, Korea, Nov., 2009. | |
152. |
C.K. Luscombe, "Ordered structures in polymer photovoltaic devices". US-China workshop for Early Career Chemists, China, November 2009. | |
151. |
J. S. Evans, C. Tamerler, M. Sarikaya, “Intrinsically Disordered Proteins and Inorganics”, Invited talk, University of Washington, Seattle, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Fall, 2009. | |
150. |
A.K-Y. Jen, Invited Talk, The 6th Korea-Japan Symposium on Frontier Photoscience, Korea University, Korea, Nov., 2009. | |
149. |
D. Ginger, 56th AVS Meeting (invited) San Jose, CA, Nov., 2009. | |
148. |
A.K-Y. Jen, Invited Talk, Material Research Society Fall National Meeting, Washington DC, Nov., 2009. | |
147. |
F. Baneyx, "Manipulating chaperone pathways to improve inner membrane and secretory protein production in Escherichia coli". 4th Cell Stress Society International Congress on Stress Responses in Biology and Medicine, Sapporo, Japan, October 2009. | |
146. |
A.K-Y. Jen, Invited Talk, US-China NSF Workshop on Nanomaterials for Energy and Environment, Suzhou, China, Oct.17, 2009. | |
145. |
D. Ginger, Annual Chemistry Faculty Lecture, Burke Museum, Seattle, WA, Oct., 2009. | |
144. |
A.K-Y. Jen, Invited Talk, WCU International Workshop on Dye-Sensitized and Organic Solar Cells, Korea University, Jochiwon, Korea, Oct., 2009. | |
143. |
D. Ginger, Molecular Foundry Users Meeting (invited) Oct., 2009, Berkeley, CA | |
142. |
D.T. Schwartz, Invited Talk, “Protein-based additives in electrodeposition,” 216th Meeting of the ECS, Vienna, Austria Oct.2009. | |
141. |
F. Baneyx, "Influence of trigger factor and signal recognition particle on inner membrane and secretory protein production". Microbial Response to Environmental Stress: Molecular Mechanisms and Applications, Saitama, Japan, October 2009. | |
140. |
D. Ginger, WA Section AAPT Meeting (Plenary), Wild Horse Wind Farm,Ellensburg, WA, Oct., 2009. | |
139. |
A.K-Y. Jen, Colloquium at the Division for Organic Electronics & Photonics, The Korean Research Institute of Chemical Technology, Dajeon, Korea, Oct. 12, 2009. | |
138. |
D. Ginger, Seattle Chamber of Commerce Leadership Conference Oct., 2009, Cle Elum, WA | |
137. |
D.T. Schwartz, Invited Talk, "Protein-templated electrodeposition," Workshop on Electrochemistry and Nanoelectronics, Schloss Reissenburg, Germany Oct,2009. | |
136. |
A.K-Y. Jen, Invited Talk, International Conference for Organic Nonlinear Optics and Conference for Organic Electronics, Beijing, China, Sept., 2009. | |
135. |
C. Tamerler, “ Emerging Bionanosciences and Technologies: Opportunities and Challenges” CIESM Workshop on Marine Biotechnology, Split, Crotia, Sept., 2009. | |
134. |
A.K-Y. Jen, Invited Talk, Colloquium at the Department of Materials Science & Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, Sept., 2009. | |
133. |
M. Sarikaya, “Peptide-based cancer probes,” International Oncology Conference, Antalya, Turkey, Sept., 2009. | |
132. |
A.K-Y. Jen, Invited Talk, Colloquium at the College of Chemistry & Molecular Sciences, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China, Sept., 2009. | |
131. |
D. Ginger, Johns Hopkins Univeristy, Materials Science, Baltimore, MD, Sept., 2009. | |
130. |
A.K-Y. Jen, Invited Talk, Workshop on Renewable Energy Based on Polymer Solar Cells, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TN, Sept., 2009. | |
129. |
C. Tamerler, “Genetically Engineered Inorganic Binding Peptides: Selection, Design and Tailoring” International Nanoscience, Nanotechnology conference (NanoMats2009) endorsed by the European Materials Research Society e-MRS, Istanbul, Turkey, Aug., 2009 | |
128. |
E. E. Oren and R. Samudrala “Knowledge-based peptide design” Molecular Biomimetics & Bionanotechnology-IV: Protein-based Materials & Systems for Technology & Medicine, Friday Harbor, WA, USA, invited., Aug. 2009. | |
127. |
C. Tamerler, “Peptide Based Biocomptabile and Bioactive Materials” International Conference on Biomedical Science and Engineering, Cyprus, Aug., 2009. | |
126. |
A.K-Y. Jen, American Chemical Society Fall National Meeting, Washington DC, Aug., 2009. | |
125. |
D. Ginger, Rice University, Chemistry, Houston, TX, Aug., 2009. | |
124. |
C.K. Luscombe, "Peptide assisted macromolecular synthesis". International workshop for Molecular Biomimetics & Bionanotechnology-II, San Juan Island, WA, August 2009. | |
123. |
B. Traxler, “Engineering DNA-binding proteins to self assemble metallic nanostructures” Molecular Biomimetics: Protein-based materials and systems for technology and medicine, Friday Harbor, WA, Aug., 2009. | |
122. |
M. Sarikaya, “Molecular Biomimetics – A Progress Report,” Biomimetics-IV – GEMSEC Workshop, Friday Harbor Marine Lab, San Juan Island, WA, Aug., 2009. | |
121. |
A.K-Y. Jen, Plenary Speaker, Taiwan Chemical Industry Forum on Energy and Environment, Taipei, Taiwan, Aug. , 2009. | |
120. |
C.K. Luscombe, "Chip based sensors for disease diagnostics". SPIE, San Diego, CA, August 2009. | |
119. |
M. Sarikaya, ‘Controlled Bio/nano Interfaces,” American Chemical Society, Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, Aug., 2009 | |
118. |
A.K-Y. Jen, Invited Talk, Korea-Japan International Conference on Organic Materials for Electronics & Photonics, Jeju, Korea, Aug., 2009. | |
117. |
F. Baneyx, "Protein-aided fabrication of functional nanostructures for biology and medicine". Biochemical Engineering XVI, Burlington, VT, July 2009. | |
116. |
C.K. Luscombe, "Towards highly ordered films for organic photovoltaic devices". UW-NIMS MolAT, Seattle, WA, June 2009. | |
115. |
C. Tamerler & M. Sarikaya, “ Peptides as Molecular Building Blocks Synthesis and Assembly”, ProSurf workshop: Protein Surface Interactions, Sestri Levante, Genova, Italy, June, 2009. | |
114. |
M. Sarikaya and C. Tamerler, “Molecular Biomimetics – Peptide enabled Nanotechnology,” NanoTR-IV - 4th International Conference on Nanotechnology, Maslak, Istanbul, June, 2009. | |
113. |
D. Ginger, ICMAT2009 (invited) Singapore, June, 2009. | |
112. |
C. Tamerler & M. Sarikaya, “Genetic Approaches in Selection and Design of Inorganic Binding Peptides for Bionanotechnologies,” 14th Biomedical Engineering Conference, Izmir, Turkey, May 2009. | |
111. |
D. Ginger, Indiana University, Chemistry May, 2009 | |
110. |
C.K. Luscombe,“Towards highly ordered films for organic photovoltaic devices” Department of Physics seminar, University of Washington, Seattle, May 2009, | |
109. |
F. Baneyx, "Protein-aided fabrication of inorganic nanostructures". 16ème Congrès du Groupe Français des Peptides et Protéines, Albé, France, May 2009. | |
108. |
C.K. Luscombe, "Towards highly ordered films for organic photovoltaic devices". ACS Carother's Award Symposium, DE, May 2009. | |
107. |
D. Ginger, Molecular Plasmonics 2009 (invited), Jena, Germany, May, 2009. | |
106. |
F. Baneyx, "Protein-aided mineralization of inorganic nanostructures". University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, May 2009. | |
105. |
C. Tamerler & M. Sarikaya, “Genetically Designed Molecular Materials for Synthetic Biology,” Synthetic Biology Network Workshop, Brussels, Belgium, May, 2009. | |
104. |
D. Ginger, University of Texas at Austin, Apr., 2009. | |
103. |
M. Sarikaya, “Biohesion: Coupling Synthetic and Biological Entities Using Genetically Engineered Peptides”, MRS Spring Conference, Symposium MM: Bioinspired Synthesis and Assembly, San Francisco, CA, Apr., 2009. | |
102. |
D. Ginger, U.C. Berkeley Nanoscience and Nanoengineering Institute Berkeley, CA, April, 2009, | |
101. |
M. Sarikaya, “Molecular Biomimetics – Coupling Peptides and Nanoparticles for Nanotechnology and Medicine”,FNANO Conference, Snowbird, Utah, Apr., 2009. | |
100. |
D. Ginger, Cornell Center for Nanoscale Systems, Ithaca, NY, Apr., 2009. | |
99. |
C. Tamerler, M. Sarikaya, “Peptides as Molecular Building Blocks for Programmed Materials Synthesis and Assembly,” SimBioMat Workshop, Mainz, Germany, March 2009. | |
98. |
M. Sarikaya, “Biohesion: Coupling Synthetic and Biological Entities Using Genetically Engineered Peptides” ACS Spring Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, March, 2009. | |
97. |
C.K. Luscombe, "Towards highly ordered films for organic photovoltaic devices". Multifunctional Nanoscale Materials for the 21st Century, Argonne National Labs, IL, March 2009. | |
96. |
D. Ginger, ACS 237th National Meeting (symposium co-organizer) Salt Lake City, UT, March,2009 | |
95. |
R. Samudrala, “In Silico Design of Solid Binding Peptides as Molecular Building Blocks in Technology and Medicine,” 237th ACS Natl Mtg Division of Medicinal Chemistry, SLC, UT, USA, March 2009. | |
94. |
C. Tamerler, M. Sarikaya, “Genetically Designed Peptides for Bionanotehcnology,” Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Workshop, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey, Feb. 2009. | |
93. |
D. Ginger, Utah Physics Colloquium Feb., 2009, Salt Lake City, UT | |
92. |
M. Sarikaya, "Peptide-based molecular materials for technology and medicine". BMMP'09, Biomimetic Materials Processing, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan, January 2009. | |
91. |
F. Baneyx, "Protein-aided fabrication of nanostructures for biology and medicine". Department of Pediatric Oncology, Children's Hospital, Seattle, WA, January 2009. | |
2008 | ||
90. |
C.K. Luscombe, "Towards highly ordered films for organic photovoltaic devices", Seiko Epson Corporation, Japan, December 2008. | |
89. |
C.K. Luscombe, "Towards highly ordered films for organic photovoltaic devices", National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan, December 2008. | |
88. |
C.K. Luscombe, "Using semiconducting polymers as sensors" / “Self-assembly in semiconducting polymers” / "Organic/inorganic interfaces in photovoltaics", International Winter School for Graduate Studies, IIT Kanpur, India, December 2008. | |
87. |
M. Sarikaya, "Peptide-based Materials Design," Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proven Grounds, MD, November, 2008. | |
86. |
D.S. Ginger, “Probing Nanostructured Optoelectronics”, Co-organizer, Nanostructured Photovoltaics Symposium, MRS Meeting, Boston, MA, November, 2008. | |
85. |
F. Baneyx, "User facility infrastructure at the University of Washington". Bothell Biomedical Networking Event: Tapping the UW~Rs Scientific Resources. UW Bothell, Bothell, WA, October 2008. | |
84. |
C.K. Luscombe, “Quasi-living polymerizations for semiconducting polymers”, NSF-DMR Solid state chemistry workshop, St Louis, MO, October 2008. | |
83. |
F. Baneyx, "Applications of nanotechnology in cancer imaging and therapy". American Association of Physicists in Medicine Advanced Technology Symposium 2008, Seattle, WA, October 2008. | |
82. |
M. Sarikaya, "Molecular Biomimetics", Keck Colloquium, Gulf Coast Consortia, Rice University, Houston, TX, October, 2008. | |
81. |
F. Baneyx, "Review: selection and analysis of solid-binding peptides". PRIME 2008: Pacific Rim Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid-State Science, Honolulu, HI, October 2008. | |
80. |
C.K. Luscombe, “The use of living polymerization to create semiconducting polymer-peptide copolymers”, International workshop for Molecular Biomimetics & Bionanotechnology-III, San Juan Island, WA, September 2008. | |
79. |
F. Baneyx, "Biofabrication of inorganic nanostructures". Molecular Biomimetics and Bionanotechnology III, Friday Harbor, WA, September 2008. | |
78. |
D.S. Ginger, “Nanoscale Film Morphology to Nanoscale Photonics”, APCTP-ASEAN Workshop on Advanced Materials, Nha Trang Vietnam, September, 2008. | |
77. |
F. Baneyx, "The Nanotechnology Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network and its University of Washington Node". Micro-Nano Breakthrough Conference, Vancouver, WA, September 2008. | |
76. |
C.K. Luscombe, “Nanostructures for organic photovoltaic devices”, Micro Nano Breakthrough Conference, Vancouver, WA, September 2008. | |
75. |
D.S. Ginger, “Nanostructured Photonics” Co-Organizer, ACS/RSC Transatlantic Frontiers in Chemistry, Cheshire, U.K., August, 2008. | |
74. |
D.S. Ginger, “Nanostructured Photonics”, ACS Fall Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, August, 2008. | |
73. |
E.E. Oren, “Design of GEPIs for nanotechnology applications” Nanotechnology Research Center, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, July, 2008. | |
72. |
C.K. Luscombe, “Nanostructures for organic photovoltaic devices”, National Institute of Materials Science, Tsukuba, Japan, July 2008. | |
71. |
E.E. Oren, “Modeling biomolecules on inorganic surfaces” Centre for Scientific Computing, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK, July, 2008. | |
70. |
D.S. Ginger, “Probing Nanostructured Optoelectronics”, International Conference on Nanoscience & Technology, Keystone, CO, July, 2008. | |
69. |
F. Baneyx, "Nanotechnology: promise and risks". Nanoscience: toxicology, regulatory gaps, and industry secrets, Seattle, WA, June 2008. | |
68. |
D.S. Ginger, “Probing Nanostructured Optoelectronics”, ACS Colloid and Surface Science Award Symposium, Raleigh, NC, June, 2008. | |
67. |
D.S. Ginger, “Probing Nanostructured Optoelectronics”, University of Pittsburgh, May, 2008. | |
66. |
C. Tamerler, “Bionanotechnology through Molecular Biomimetics, Nanobiotechnology Days”, Ege University, Turkey, May, 2008. | |
65. |
A.K.-Y. Jen, “Molecular Self-Assembly and Interface Engineering for Multi-scale Devices: From Molecular Electronics to Organic Electronics”, Frontier of Materials Science Lecture Series, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, WA, May, 2008. | |
64. |
C. Tamerler and M. Sarikaya, “Genetically Designed Peptides as Building Blocks for Nanotechnology”, 5th Annual Meeting of Foundation of Nanoscience, Snowbird, Utah, USA, April, 2008. | |
63. |
C. Tamerler, “Bionanotechnology, Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ISO), Monthly ISO-Vision Meetings”, Istanbul, Turkey, April, 2008. | |
62. |
D.S. Ginger, “Probing Nanostructured Optoelectronics”, University of Montreal, Physics Montreal, Quebec, Canada, April, 2008. | |
61. |
D.S. Ginger, “Probing Nanostructured Optoelectronics”, Spring ACS Meeting New Orleans, LA, April, 2008. | |
60. |
C. Tamerler and M. Sarikaya, “Genetically Designed Peptides as Building Blocks for Nanotechnology, Biological Materials Science (BMS)”, Symposium at TMS Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA, March, 2008. | |
59. |
E.E. Oren, R. Samudrala, and M. Sarikaya, “Knowledge-Based Design of Inorganic-Binding Peptides”, Foundations of Nanoscience: Self-assembled Architectures and Devices (FNANO08), Snowbird, UT, April, 2008. | |
58. |
J.S. Evans, “Molecular specifications for proteins and polypeptides which interact and assemble inorganic solids”, Foundations of Nanoscience: Self-assembled Architectures and Devices (FNANO08), Snowbird, UT, April, 2008. | |
57. |
C. Tamerler, “Bionanotechnology via Materials and Biology, DNA Repair Mechanisms and Systems for Technologies”, Kusadasi, Turkey, April, 2008. | |
56. |
A.K.-Y. Jen, “Molecular Self-Assembly and Interface Engineering for High-Performance Electronics”, Korean Chemical Society Meeting, Seoul, Korea, April, 2008. | |
55. |
A.K.-Y. Jen, “Telecommunications: Beyond the i-Phone”, Nanophotonics for Breakfast Series, Rainier Club, Seattle, WA, April, 2008. | |
54. |
F. Baneyx, "Structure, function and regulation of Hsp31, a general stress chaperone of E. coli". 6th International Workshop on the Molecular Biology of Stress Responses, Chulabhorn Research Institute, Bangkok, Thailand, March 2008. | |
53. |
M. Sarikaya, “Molecular Biomimetics”, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey, March, 2008. | |
52. |
D.S. Ginger, “Probing Polymer Photovoltaics”, Georgia Tech, School of Chemistry Seminar, February, 2008. | |
51. |
M. Sarikaya, “Genetically Engineered Molecular Materials for technology and Medicine”, MSE Dept., University of California, Los Angeles, CA, February, 2008. | |
50. |
C. Tamerler, “Genetic Tailoring of Inorganic Binding Peptides for Bionanotechnologies”, National Nanotechnology Center (UNAM), Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, February, 2008. | |
49. |
C. Tamerler, “Biomineralization by Genetically Designed Peptides: A Case Study on Calcium Phosphate mineralization”, Biomineralization Workshop, Biomedical Science Institute, Bosporus University Istanbul, Turkey, January, 2008. | |
48. |
A.K.-Y. Jen, “Supramolecular Self-Assembly and Lattice-Hardening for Electro-optic Coefficients Beyond 450 pm/V”, SPIE. Photonics West Meeting, San Jose, CA, January, 2008. | |
47. |
M. Sarikaya, “Peptide Based Materials and Systems”, 8th Ann. Workshop of Biomimetic Materials Processing, BMMP-08, Nagoya, Japan, January, 2008. | |
2007 | ||
46. |
M. Sarikaya, "Molecular Biomimetics for Defense Applications", Workshop: Bionanotechnology for Defense Applications, (sponsored by I-ARPA, Intelligence Advance Research Project Activity), Univ. of Maryland/ONR, College Park, MD, November, 2007. | |
45. |
F. Baneyx, "Nanotechnology at the University of Washington". MIT Club of Puget Sound. Seattle, WA, November 2007. | |
44. |
A.K.-Y. Jen, “Interface Engineering for Highly Efficient Polymer Photovoltaic Cells”, Materials Research Society Meeting, Boston, November, 2007. | |
43. |
M. Sarikaya, "Genetically-Designed Materials for Technology and Medicine," ISET'07, Ecotopia Science Institute, Nagoya, Japan, November, 2007. | |
42. |
M. Sarikaya et al., "Molecular Biomimetics: Engineered Peptides as Molecular Building Blocks in Technology and Medicine", MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, MA, November, 2007. | |
41. |
D.S. Ginger, “Probing Nanostructured Optoelectronics”, Reed College, Portland, OR, October, 2007. | |
40. |
D.S. Ginger, “Probing Nanostructured Optoelectronics”, American Vacuum Society 54th International Symposium, Seattle, WA, October, 2007. | |
39. |
C. Tamerler, “Towards Global Networks: Bionanotechnology Potential in Turkey”, as invited Turkish representative in European Union Meeting organized by TUBITAK, Brussels, Belgium, October, 2007. | |
38. |
F. Baneyx, "Nanotechnology: promise and risks”, Technology Law and Public Policy Clinic. University of Washington Law School. Seattle, WA, October, 2007. | |
37. |
R. Samudrala, “Modelling interactomes” U.S.-India Joint Training Program Workshop on Global Infectious Diseases, September, 2007. | |
36. |
R. Samudrala, “Modelling interactomes”, The 4th Solanaceae Genome Workshop. Jeju Island, Korea. September, 2007. | |
35. |
F. Baneyx, "Incorporating toxicology into the design of nanomaterials”, Nanotechnology and Health Symposium. Pacific Northwest Association of Toxicologists Annual Meeting. Seattle, WA, September, 2007. | |
34. |
F. Baneyx, "Engineering, understanding and exploiting protein-silver interactions", Molecular Biomimetics and Bionanotechnology II: Protein-Based Materials and Systems for Technology and Medicine. San Juan Island, WA, September, 2007. | |
33. |
A.K.-Y. Jen, “Material and Interface Engineering for Highly Efficient Polymer Light-Emitting Diodes”, Frontier of Optics Conference, OMD Symposium, Optical Society of America, San Jose, CA, September, 2007. | |
32. |
A.K.-Y. Jen, “Molecular Design, Self-Assembly, and Interface Engineering for Molecular and Organic Electronics”, IBM Tom Watson Laboratory, Yorktown Heights, NY, September, 2007. | |
31. |
B. Traxler, “Engineered Proteins with GEPI Sequences for Interaction with Nanoparticles”, Molecular Biomemetics: Protein-based materials and systems for technology and medicine”, Friday Harbor, WA, September, 2007. | |
30. |
A.K.-Y. Jen, “Material and Interface Engineering for Highly Efficient Polymer Light-Emitting Diodes”, Hannam University, Korea, September, 2007. | |
29. |
M. Sarikaya, "Crystal Morphogenesis using Engineered Peptides," International Conference on Crystal Growth," Salt Lake City, UT, August, 2007. | |
28. |
M. Sarikaya, "Genome-Designed Materials', American Chemical Society, 234th Meeting, Boston, MA, August, 2007. | |
27. |
A.K.-Y. Jen, “Molecular Design and Self-Assembly for Unprecedented Electro-optic Activities”, The SPIE Meeting, The International Society of Optical Engineering, San Diego, CA August, 2007. | |
26. |
C. Tamerler, “Self assembly of peptides in biological materials”, Protein Assembly in Materials, Biology and Medicine, Crete, Greece, July, 2007. | |
25. |
R. Samudrala, “Modelling interactomes”, 21st Symposium of the Protein Society. Boston, MA, July, 2007. | |
24. |
C. Tamerler, “Post Selection Engineering of Inorganic Binding Peptides, Modelling The Interactions of Biological Molecules with Inorganic Surfaces”, CECAM Conference, Lyon, France, July, 2007. | |
23. |
A.K.-Y. Jen, “Exceptional Photonic and Optoelectronic Properties from Molecular Design and Supramolecular Self-Assembly”, Tsing Hua University, Beijing, China, July, 2007. | |
22. |
M. Sarikaya, "Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Peptide-Solid Interactions", "Modeling and Interactions of Biomolecules with Inorganic Surfaces," CECAM Conf., Lyon, France, July, 2007. | |
21. |
R. Samudrala, “Modelling interactomes” Asia Pacific Conference on Plant Tissue Culture and Agrobiotechnology, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. June, 2007. | |
20. |
C. Tamerler, “Post-selection engineering of inorganic binding peptides” 3rd Annual NanoScience Conference in TURKEY, NANOTURKEY III, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, May, 2007. | |
19. |
F. Baneyx, "Protein-aided biofabrication: merging biology and nanotechnology", National Academy of Sciences – von Humboldt Foundation German-American Frontiers of Science Conference, May, 2007. | |
18. |
M. Sarikaya, "Molecular Biomimetics", Materials Days, International Workshop, University of Rostock, Germany, May, 2007. | |
17. |
M. Sarikaya, "Genetically Engineered Peptides for Nanotechnology and Medicine", 2nd International Workshop on Bionanotechnology, Istanbul, Turkey, May, 2007. | |
16. |
A.K.-Y. Jen, “Exceptional Photonic and Optoelectronic Properties from Molecular Design and Supramolecular Self-Assembly”, RIKEN, Tokyo, Japan, May, 2007. | |
15. |
B. Traxler, “Engineered Proteins with GEPI Sequences for Interaction with Nanoparticles”, Molecular Biomimetics & BioNanoTechnology II, Istanbul, Turkey, May, 2007. | |
14. |
M. Sarikaya, "Genetically Engineered Materials Using Peptides", Materials Research Science and Engineering Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, April, 2007. | |
13. |
M. Sarikaya, “Genetically Engineered Peptides for Technology and Medicine”, Symp. Peptide-Based Biotechnology, Annual Meeting of the Society of Biomaterials, Chicago, IL, April, 2007. | |
12. |
C. Tamerler and M. Sarikaya, “Molecular Engineering by Genetically Designed Peptides” 4th Annual Meeting of Foundation of Nanoscience, Snowbird, UT, USA, April, 2007. | |
11. |
M. Sarikaya, "Genome-based Materials Science", in Exploring and Exploiting Nature with Biomimetics, organized by graduate students, 233rd National meeting of the American Chemical Society, Chicago, IL, March, 2007. | |
10. |
M. Sarikaya, “Molecular Biomimetics and Bionantotechnology for Medicine”, 2nd International Congress of Molecular Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey, March, 2007. | |
9. |
M. Sarikaya, "Molecular Biomimetics and GEMSEC", CNT Seminar Series, Center for Nanotechnology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, March, 2007. | |
8. |
C. Tamerler, “Transforming journey: ITU-UW Experience on Bionanotechnology”, Turkish-American Scientist and Scholars Association (TASSA) 3rd Annual Meeting, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA, March, 2007. | |
7. |
M. Sarikaya, "Molecular Biomimetics – A Tutorial", Symp. on Biological Materials Science and Engineering, TMS Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, February, 2007. | |
6. |
A.K.-Y. Jen, “Exceptional Electro-optic Properties from Molecular Design and Supramolecular Self-Assembly”, The 2007 Taiwan Polymer Society Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan, January, 2007. | |
5. |
A.K.-Y. Jen, “Exceptional Photonic and Optoelectronic Properties from Molecular Design and Supramolecular Self-Assembly”, Institute of Chemistry, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, January, 2007. | |
4. |
A.K.-Y. Jen, “Exceptional Photonic and Optoelectronic Properties from Molecular Design and Supramolecular Self-Assembly”, Photonics West Meeting, San Jose, CA, January, 2007. | |
3. |
C. Tamerler, “Selection Engineering of inorganic binding peptides for improved functionality”, 7th International Symposium on Biomimetic Materials Processing (BMMP-7), Nagoya, Japan, January 2007. | |
2. |
M. Sarikaya, "Hybrid Nanocomposite Design: Lesson from Mother Nature", Molecular Biomimetics Series of Presentations at Ecotopia Science Institute, Nagoya University, Japan, January, 2007. | |
1. |
M. Sarikaya, "Genetic Design of peptides for Materials Fabrication and Assembly", Molecular Biomimetics Series of Presentations at Ecotopia Science Institute, Nagoya University, Japan, January, 2007. |