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Training Module: Accurately Weighing and Measuring: Technique

Plotting Measurements
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9. Plotting Measurements

This section reviews techniques for plotting infant length, weight, and head circumference and will review the technique for plotting weight and stature measures for children and adolescents.

Appropriate use of the charts requires that all measures follow procedures similar to those used for the reference data. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommend using the WHO growth standard charts for children aged <24 months and the 2000 CDC growth reference charts for children aged 2 up to 2 years to monitor growth in the US.

It is essential to select the appropriate chart for the age and sex of the person measured.

The CDC and WHO Growth Charts are presented as:

Gender and age   
    Boys, birth to 24 mos.
Weight-for-length (WHO)
Boys, birth to 24 mos.
Weight-for-age (WHO)
Boys, birth to 24 mos.
Length-for-age (WHO)
Boys, birth to 24 mos.
Head circumference-for-age (WHO)
Girls, birth to 24 mos.
Weight-for-length (WHO)
Girls, birth to 24 mos.
Weight-for-age (WHO)
Girls, birth to 24 mos.
Length-for-age (WHO)
Girls, birth to 24 mos.
Head circumference-for-age (WHO)
Boys, 2 to 20 yrs.
BMI-for-age (CDC)
Boys, 2 to 20 yrs.
Weight-for-age (CDC)
Boys, 2 to 20 yrs.
Stature-for-age (CDC)
Girls, 2 to 20 yrs.
BMI-for-age (CDC)
Girls, 2 to 20 yrs.
Girls, 2 to 20 yrs.
Stature-for-age (CDC)
Boys 2 to 5 yrs.
Weight-for-stature (CDC) (optional)
Girls 2 to 5 yrs.
Weight-for-stature (CDC) (optional)

In addition, the measurement obtained must match the chart (e.g. if length is measured, then length should be plotted, not stature).

Abstract design incorporating charts      
  Check Select the appropriate chart for the age, sex, and measurements of the person measured

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