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Archives Accession # 101

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Located at the Miller Library.

Each accession (i.e. represents a box or cubby with various contents.

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Search Title, Summary and Description fields

All records Northwest Horticultural Society publications, Box 1: through 1996

Date statement: : 1974-1996

 1 file box
 Winter 1996 and Autumn 1994, "Garden Notes" newsletters.
Membership Directories, 1995-96 (2 copies), 1990, 1987-88, 1985-86.
Lecture Series announcement and registration fliers, 1994, 1993, 1992 (2 copies), 1991,1990 (3 copies), 1988, 1987 (2 copies), 1983,1982.
"Horticulture Northwest" magazine, Spring 1986, Spring 1985, Fall 1984 (2 copies, 1 with no cover), Fall & Winter 1979.
Plant Sale lists, after 1984, 1984, 1982 (3 copies).
3/13/1996, "Horticulturally Speaking . . . A Colloquium of Pacific Northwest Horticultural Organizations," flier, "Attendance Listing" [by organization], "Attendance Listing" [by individual], "Organizational Survey" [3 copies], "Tabulation of Management Issues Reported by Northwest Horticultural Organzations" [3/11/1996].

Folder labelled "Northwest Ornamental Horticultural Society - Index 1974-1984."
 "Ten-Year Index of the N.O.H.S. Journals - 1974-1984/ The Illustrators," 1 p.
 "Ten-Year Index of the N.O.H.S. Journals - 1974-1984/ The Authors," 6 pp.
 Untitled list by subjects, 15 pp.

Folder labelled "Publications (NHS) 1989-1996)."

Autumn 1993, "NHS Fall Plant Sale," p. 3 of "Garden Notes," photocopy.
5/15-6/5/1993, "Spring Fern Festival" program flier.
1985-1992 [missing 1987], "NHS Seed Exchange" brochures.
2/1992, "NHS News" issue, (2 copies).
March 1991, "NHS News" part of p. 6 with "Slate' Executive Committee" highlighted.
Winter 1990, "NHS News" issue.
Fall 1989, "NHS News" issue.
Fall 1989, "Achievements to Date! by Elisabeth C. Miller," pp. 65-68 of "Northwest Horticulture."
Summer 1989, "NHS News" issue.
Spring 1989, "NHS News" issue.
April 1989, "Garden Tour" announcement and registration flier.
Winter 1989, "NHS News" issue.
Fall 1988, "NHS News" issue.
July 1989, "NHS News" issue.
Summer 1989, "Welcome," Pacific Horticulture, 1 p., photocopy.
April, May, June, 1988, "NHS News" issue.
Spring 1988, "NHS News" issue (2 copies).
Winter 1987, "NOHS News" issue.
[May, June] 1987,"NOHS News" issue.
Fall 1984, "I Remember," Horticulture Northwest, pp. 51-60.
Summer 1982, "The Roots of the N.O.H.S.," by Betty Carey Miller, Horticulture Northwest, pp. 31-35.  
n.d., "Northwest Horticulture Society" information and registration brochure.
n.d., "Northwest Horticulture/Plant Sale Donation" form.
n.d., "Northwest Ornamental Horticultural Society/Plant Sale Donations" form.

Folder labelled "NOHS seed exchange/ correspondence and plant lists."

3/1984 - 2/1992, correspondence relating to seed exchange.
1/19/1986, N.O.H.S. Wish List N.2 Seed," 1 p. (2 copies).
1986, "Most Wanted Fern Spore . . . ," list from Sue Olsen, 2 pp.
1986, handwritten list of mailing costs.
10/1981, "The Plant Farm," catalogue, 10 pp.
n.d. 22x30" handwritten sheet titled "Seed Composts" listing planting instructions.
n.d., "Czech Wish List," handwritten plant list.

NHS membership directories 1985-86, 1987-88, 1990, 1995-96 (2 copies). Membership brochure. 
Lecture Series brochures 1982, 83, 87(2), 88, 89, 90 (3), 91, 92, 93, 94. 
1 garden tour newsletter and 1 NHS annual meeting article. 
Seed Exchange lists 1985-1996. 
NHS 1991 dedication ceremony invitation. 
"I Remember" essay by Sallie Allen from Horticulture Northwest, Fall 1984. NHS "Welcome" article by W.G. Waters from Pacific Horticulture, 1987. "Roots of NOHS" by Elisabeth C. Miller from 1982.  
"Achievements to Date!" by Elisabeth C. Miller 1989.

[incomplete - material below duplicates]

5 NHS Plant Sale newsletters from 1982-1984. 
12 NHS News Letters from 1987-1992. 
Lecture and Garden Tour registration form.  
Seed exchange folder, with Seed Compost instructions sheet, donation forms, correspondence with Zdenek Seibert 1983-84, Plant Farm plant lists 1981, 83(2), wish lists, cost notes (1986), letter from Kit and Bruce Gifford 1992. 
Ten-Year Index of NOHS Journals 1974-84. 
Horticulture Northwest issues Fall/Winter 1979, Fall 1984, Spring 1985,Spring 1986, and separately bound articles from Fall 1984. 
Lecture series flier (copy) 1982.
Accession date: 2012-04-10 Last updated: 2023-05-02 14:53:30
Subjects: Northwest Horticultural Society, Elisabeth C. Miller Library, Northwest Ornamental Horticultural Society

Miller, Elisabeth C., 1914-1994Subject

Archives file drawers, PNW gardens & organizations

Archives Inventory