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Archives Accession # 135

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Located at the Miller Library.

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1.4.09d. Elisabeth C. Miller Library equipment and furnishings

Date statement: : 1987-1990

 1 file box containing folders with information on air conditioning, fax connections, telephones and library layout
 Folder labelled "Furnishings:"
8/14/1999, Printed map appraisal from Minnick Appraisal Services, 7 pp., spiral bound.

Folder labelled "Air Conditioning:"
7/20/1988, letter from Laura Lipton re: drip from air conditioner.
5/31/1988, invoice from Physical Plant .
8/18/1987, memo re: "Air Conditioning in Library."
6/18/1987, memo re: air conditioning cost.
6/16/[1987?], memo to "dr tukey" from "Sally" re: contingency and cost. (Second sheet has handwritten notes.)
6/15/1987, UW Request for Physical Plant Services to design and install air conditioning, carbon copy.
6/3/1987, "Room 131 Air Condition/Library/Mechanical Only/ Merrill Hall," design plan, 22x34" plan, 2 pp.
5/13/1987, H.B. Tukey memo approving air conditioning installation, original and photocopy with notes.
5/12 and 5/4/1987, notes to Tukey and Carl J. Herron business card, all stapled.
after 4/29/1987, Notes for memo on air conditioning, on back of notice of faculty meeting.
4/13/1987, Notes titled "Judy Banel" stapled with 4/10/1987 phone message from "Laura."
4/13/1987, Memo to "Sally" from "Laura" re: estimated cost of air conditioning.

Folder labelled "Expansion - Furnishings/Hardware:"
11/9/1990, Pullen Services order form for "1 chair," carbon copy.
11/16/1989, letter from Harold. B. Tukey re: expediting shelving order.
11/8/1989, typed note to "Librarians" clipped with 11/7/1989 Memo re: Furniture for Miller Library Addition, 2 pp., and 11/7/1989, "Furniture and Equipment" list, 6/14/1989 "Bid Tabulation," and 11/1/1989, "Furniture and Equipment: list, 2 pp.
10/27/1989, Purchase order for 5  drawer file case.
10/18/1989, Memo to H.B.Tukey, Jr. from L. Lipton re: shelving order, clipped with JAW memo to "Librarians" with handwritten notes and attached sticky notes.
9/26/1989, Memo from Valerie Easton re: "Columns in the new library."
9/7/1989, Memo from Valerie re: bidding, photocopied with handwritten note.
8/25/1989, Memo from Valerie re: lock on Herbarium door, stapled with 6/2//1989, "Schedule of Finish for Hardware" from BH&S, 9 pp.
8/22/1989, Memo re: Shelving, stapled with "schematic of library," ( and a second copy of schematic).
7/14/1989, Memo on interior design.
7/8/1989, Memo on meeting with Arun Sukvivatn.
4/26/1989, "Circ desk" hand drawn design, stapled with 4/20/1989 reduced floor plan.
3/27/1989, Memo re: Phil Schwab, handwritten.
2/12/1989, Proposal request to Johnpaul Jones, stapled with 2/10/1989 requirements letter , 2 pp.; "Storage of Archival Materials" excerpt from "The Museum Environment," 2 pp; 2/10/1989 letter re: "Requirements for built-in book display case," 2 pp. and second copy of "Storage" excerpt.
2/10/1989, Letter re: "Requirements for built-in book display case," stapled with another copy of "Storage" excerpt.
2/7/1989, "Notes from Architects' Mtg," handwritten.
2/1/1989, memo re: meeting with John Kvapil.
12/8/[1988?], Tukey note re: seminar on library furnishings.

Folder labelled "Library phones:"
12/8/[1989?], Note re: phone needs "for the new 1/2 of the library."
11/1986, Memo re: phone service order; stapled with 4/27/1987 [sic] service order for two phones, 4/27/1987 handwritten note with cost, and 4/27/1987 request from "LL, Library" for two phones.
7/22/[?], Memo from "Sally" re: static on phones, with handwritten notes.
n.d. [1989?], "telephones for New Library Addition," handwritten on library floor plan with sticky labels.  

Folder labelled "FAX:"
[note taped inside folder includes 9/11/90 purchase date; other notes on folder.]
9/18/1990, pink handwritten note clipped with 9/12/1990 UW service order.
8/30/1990, letter re: fax purchase, typed.
8/28/1990, memo re: discontinued model, original and carbon copy.
8/23/1990, Interdepartmental letter to "John" from "Valerie" re: low bid.
7/24/1990, UW "Do Not Reorder" form seeking price quotes.
7/17/1990, UW "Purchase Request" form seeking price quotes, with attached list of criteria, a printed add for a Sharp fax, and a Jul/Aug 1989 article "Automation and Technology Column" from PNC/MLA Northwest Notes.  A second copy of the request form has only list of criteria attached.
7/1990, "Telautograph Omnifax G90," printed description, photocopy.
6/3/1990, Fax sale clipping.
10/1989, "Telautograph Omnifax G59," printed description, photocopy.
1989, "Murata F-40," advertising brochure.
4/1989, "Revision 6/Omnifax Equipment Feature Comparisons," download.
1986, "The Joy of Fax,"  Omnifax article, 4 pp.
n.d., "Service by Air" shipping form.
n.d., handwritten notes on yellow paper, 2 pp.
n.d., handwwritten note re: "Fax machine at EVCC."
n.d., "Hifax 38," advertising brochure.

Folder labelled "Exit Lock":
3/1983, "Installation Instructions for DETEX-ECL-2200 Exit Control Lock," 10 pp., stapled with "4 Mode Operation/Operating Instructions for DETEX-ECL-2200," 4 pp.
3/1983, "Installation Instructions for DETEX-ECL-2200 Exit Control Lock, 9 pp.
3/1983, "2 Mode Operation/Operating Instrucrtions for DETEX-ECL-2200 Exit Control Lock," 5 pp.
Accession date: 2012-04-24 Last updated: 2024-08-28 13:48:45
Subjects: Elisabeth C. Miller Library--furniture, Elisabeth C. Miller Library--correspondence, Elisabeth C. Miller Library, Elisabeth C. Miller Library--rare books, Elisabeth C. Miller Library--history, Elisabeth C. Miller Library--equipment

Easton, ValerieCreator
Jones & Jones : Architects & Landscape Architects.Creator
Tukey, Harold B., Jr.Creator

Archives compact shelving

Archives Inventory