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Archives Accession # 200

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Located at the Miller Library.

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All records The Japanese Garden Society of Oregon

Date statement: : 1978-1985

 1 file folder
 1 brochure describing different Japanese Garden techniques. 2 brochures on the Japanese Garden of Portland, Oregon. 1 booklet on the history of the Japanese Garden Society and the Japanese Garden of Portland.

8/1983, rev. 10/1985, "Plant Material in the Japanese Garden," by Phyllis Reynolds, Bill Robinson, Pat Morrison, 10 pp.
1978, "The Japanese Garden in Portland, Oregon," glossy booklet, 40 pp.
n.d., "The Japanese Garden" information flier. Three other fliers, one with membership fee $2.50, a later one with $40.  
Accession date: 2012-05-29 Last updated: 2024-06-04 13:34:57
Subjects: Japanese Garden Society, Japanese Garden Society of Oregon

No names associated with this accession.
Archives file drawers, PNW gardens & organizations

Archives Inventory