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Archives Accession # 546

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1.2.06. Union Bay Natural Area history

Date statement: : -

 1 file box
 Folder labelled Union Bay - History/Union Bay E.R.N.A.:
8/2018, "CUH Natural Area History Summary," 3 pp.
11/3/2014, "UW Research and Plant Plots," plasticized aerial map.
7/12/2006, "Site and Exploration Plan/ Montlake Landfill Long-Term Movement Study," Color aerial photo.
7/12/2004 Montlake Landfill Long-Term Movement Study from Shannon & Wilson. 
10/22/2003 Montlake Landfill Methane Monitoring Point Location Rationale from Shannon & Wilson.
3/2003 Montlake Landfill Gas Study from Shannon & Wilson.
8/6/2001 memorandum and Montlake Landfill Historic Documents.
4/10/1999, Welcome sheet and schedule for Union Bay Area Celebration.
Winter 1997, "Management of the Union Bay Natural Area/General Policies and Policies for the Management of Special Zones," UHF Restoration Seminar/ubnazone.doc, 7 pp. with map.
9/1994, "List of Suppporting Documents," bibliography by Matt Kumble, 2 pp.
11/1/1993, "Director's Rule 19-93/Requirements for Permitting Development of Environmentally Critical Areas," 15 pp. printed.
1992 or later, Appendices apparently torn from U.W. Master Plan binder, 20 pp.
1/12/1990, "House Bill No. 2431/State of Washington/1990  Regular Session," proposal to recognize and establish  Union Bay wetland management area, "referred to committee."
1990 or later, list of items in "CUH Research Area Drawer," 3 pp. typed.
1989 or later, list of "CUH Natural Resource Area Materials," 5 pp. typed.
8/4/1988, "Bookand Document List for the Research Natural Area," 6 pp. typed.
3/23/1988, letter voicing concern about water quality in "City of Seattle Draft Combined Sewer Overflow Control Plan DEIS," to city project manager from Rolfe Kellor, Campus Planning Officer.
2/1988, "Center for Urban Horticulture/Union Bay Research Natural Area and Vicinity," plan drawing, 2 copies.
5/14/1987, "Draft/Management Proposal for the Union Bay Research Natural Area of the University of Washington," 5 pp.  2 copies.
10/20/1986. "Draft/ A Study Plan for a Research Natural Area at Union Bay," 6 pp. ; pages 1,4,and 6 of same draft.
6/13/1986, Cover letter and 1980 "Management of Wildlife Areas recommendations by Dennis Paulsen.
11/7/1980, "Master Plan," design drawing, 2 copies.
1977 or after, "Union Bay Teaching and Research Arboretum," Jones & Jones folder.
4/1966, "Reclamation of Union Bay Swamp in Seattle," The Trend in Engineering, 6 pp., 3 copies.
1959, 1960, 1966, Table of Contents pages of 3 Walter Dunn reports on Union Bay.
7/19/1957, "Report on Proposed Union Bay Nursery," by Melvin E. Wilson, 5 pp., spiral bound typed report.
n.d., "Union Bay-Maps" aerial photo.

Folder labelled "Master Plan, Union Bay Teaching/Resch/Jones & Jones, 1976:
10/27/1976, "Master Plan/Union Bay Teaching/Research Arboretum," spiral bound booklet, 27 pp.
10/27/1975, "Progress Report: Union Bay Teaching and Research Arboretum," 8 pp. stapled booklet.
Accession date: 2019-10-16 Last updated: 2024-01-23 10:06:40
Subjects: Union Bay Natural Area

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