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Archives Accession # 61

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1.1.09e. Washington Park Arboretum plant records by plant grouping

Date statement: : 1948-1973

 1 file box.
 Records of plants in the Washington Park Arboretum including: records for the Woodland Garden (1949-1952), Rhododendron Species, Species, Varieties and Clones of Philadelphus Maintained at the U.S. Plant Introduction Garden, Glenn Dale, Md. (1948), Olmsted Plan, Leguminosae, and various other records and papers.
     3/29/1955, "Plants Received for Woodland Garden from Carl Starker," typed sheet, 2 copies.
     Oct-Nov. 1954, "Plants Received for Woodland Garden," typed sheet.
     1948, "Saxifragaceae" folder with lists and stapled "Species Varieties and Clones of Philadelphus" list from U.S. Plant Introduction Garden, Glenn Dale, MD.
     2/1947, "Olmsted Planting Plans - Alterations," folder with two documents.
     n.d., "Rhododendron Species," notebook with lists of rhododendrons and azaleas.3/1955 Rhododendron Glen brochure enclosed.

Woodland Garden folder:
     n.d., "Let no one say it to your shame that all was beauty here until you came," pencil note.
     n.d. "Mr. Schnellhardt - - Native Plants," typed price list, 1 page.
     n.d., "Native Broadleaved Evergreen of Pacific Northwest," typed list, 1 p.
     n.d., "Native Deciduous Shrubs of Pacific Northwest," typed list, 1 p.
     n.d., "Deciduous Shrubs (not native to the area," typed list, 2 pp.
     n.d., "Native Trees," typed list, 1 p.
     n.d., "Broadleaved Evergreen (not native)," typed list, 1 p.
Woodland Garden folder packet 1949-1951.
     1953, "Info and Expenses, 4 sheets.
     1952, "Woodland Garden Activities & Correspondence," stapled sheets.
     1951, "Woodland Garden activities," stapled sheets.
      1950, "Woodland Garden activities, stapled sheets.
     1949, "Woodland Garden activities," stapled sheets.
 9/1949, "Recommended Development Schedule for Woodland Garden in 1950," 4 typed sheets.  A second set has in addition "Summary of Capital Expenditures for 1949, 1950, 1951 to Sept. 15. 1952."
      1939? "Woodland Garden,"6x8" glossy photo.
Folder, "Berberidaceae and Cistaceae"
     "Cistaceae .... Rockrose Family," 2 sheets of planting dates, each with carbon copy.
First Leguminosae folder:
     1950 correspondence between Robert J. Hansen and Kingsville Nurseries about Leguminosae order, 1 letter, 1 post card.
     7/12/1949 - 4/14/1950 correspondence between Robert J. Hansen and E.L. Kammerer of the Morton Arboretum about obtaining Leguminosae species for W.P.A., 5 sheets.
     10/1948, "Trees For Leguminosae Site," 3 pp. typed.
     n.d., Five handwritten plant lists clipped together, Gleditsia, Cercis, Gymnocladus, Astragalus, Albizia.  
     n.d., "Leguminosae shrubs: Botanical relationships," 2 typed pages
     n.d., "Leguminosae Trees," 4 handwritten pages.
     n.d., "Robinia pseudoacacia scions desired from Kew Gardens," 1 typed sheet.

Additional folder labelled "Leguminosae":
     6-9/1952, handwritten notes on plants needed, and reply from Layritz Nurseries, Ltd., clipped together.
     1950-1952, correspondence between Robert J. Hansen and various nurseries, 15 pp. clipped together.
     n.d. (after 1940), "Leguminosae Family" list of genera, 1 p., 3 copies.
     n.d., handwritten list of plants and their colors, 2 pp.
     n.d, handwritten lists of plants by genera, Maackia, Cladrastis, Sophora, Piptanthus, 5 pp. clipped together.
     n.d., handwritten lists of Lupinus, Spartium, Genista, Petteria, Laburnum and Laburnocytisus, Cytisus, Ulex, 13 handwritten pp. clipped.
     n.d., "Japanese" (pencil) "Nursery -- Section C" (typed) plant list with "Rec. no." and "Olmsted no." for each, handwritten, 1 p.
     n.d., notes on location of plants, handwritten, torn from small notebook, 5 pp.
     n.d., plant lists with brief description, Indigofera, Amorpha, Robinea, Carmichaelia, Caragana, 11 pp. handwritten, clipped together.
     n.d, plant lists: Coronilla, Desmodium, Lespedeza, Campylatropis, 5 pp. clipped.

Folder unlabelled:
     after 1973, "Bibliography" of Pacific Northwest trees, photocopy of typed and handwritten list, 1 p.
     n.d., no title, typed tree list, 1 p.,2 copies.
     n.d., ink drawings of Tsuga, Picea, Abies, Chamaecyparis n., and Thuja plicata.
     n.d., typed descriptions with pencil edits: Silver Fir, Subalpine Fir, Noble Fir, Madrona, Black Cottonwood; 2 pp.
     n.d. "Glossary (to be expanded)," plant parts, 1 p. typed. 
     n.d. "Naturewalk" pencil drawing, clipped together with tree list (pencil) and 2pp. description of Silver Fir (typed) and 2 pp. description of Pacific Madrona.  A separate drawing of same walk, different version, photocopy.
     n.d., "University of Washington Arboretum - Tour Highlights" for April, early May, late May and June, 8 pp. printed.
Accession date: 2012-02-21 Last updated: 2023-04-12 14:34:14
Subjects: Washington Park Arboretum--plants, Washington Park Arboretum--plant collection records, Washington Park Arboretum--correspondence, Washington Park Arboretum, Pines, Seattle Japanese Garden

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