View Page: Ceremonial Festivals and Processions
University of Washington Honors Program in Rome

Ceremonial Festivals and Processions
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Ancient Festivals
Feast of Lupercalia, Florence 1519 C.E.
The Lupercalia is notable in that it is a pagan festival that lasted long into Christian times while avoiding this process of “Christianization.” It is a fertility festival that occurs annually on February 15th. In the ancient Roman calendar the month of February occurred later in the year making this a springtime celebration. The Lupercalia is such a long running tradition that its origins are unknown. In its first documentation in the 1st century B.C.E. the scholar recording it could not specify the festival’s origins. It is also unknown exactly to which god the festival is dedicated. Ovid suggested Faunus, who presided over woodlands, while Livy instead suggested Innus, a god who seems to be of Livy’s own invention. Current scholars point to Mars, most likely for the festival’s connection to the Palatine Hill and the story of Romulus and Remus.

The name for the festival comes from the Lupercal, the cave on the Palatine Hill where the she-wolf was said to have nursed the divine infant founders of the city. An ancient rite consisting of two colleges of priesthoods would meet at the Lupercal cave. Here they would sacrifice two male goats and a dog. Vestal Virgins would bake sacrificial cakes for the occasion from the first ears of corn of the last year’s harvest. Two youths, one belonging to each of the colleges, would have their foreheads smeared with the bloody knife from the slaughter of the victims. They would then have their heads wiped clean with wool dipped in milk. For a reason lost to the ages this would oblige the youths to laugh and becoming merry. After feasting on the sacrificial meat they would girt themselves with the skins of the slaughtered goats and fashion leather throngs from the hides. These throngs were named “Februs.” The two youths would then run around the base of the Palatine, each leading one of the colleges. Any woman they encountered would be struck with the Februs. Woman would often place themselves in the path of the youths, hoping to receive a blow. A solid strike to the skin was said to ensure fertility.

The festival was officially stamped out in 494 C.E. by Pope Gelasius I and the day was changed to a celebration of the purification of the Virgin Mary. However, the ceremony remained very much alive through underground cult cultures and is still practiced today in many cities across Europe.

Being a spring time festival the Lupercalia functions as a temporal marker, alerting the community to the coming summer. Rome, both in legend and in archeological evidence, is said to have begun with a community on the Palatine Hill. By running around its base the two youths define the physical boundaries of the ancient settlement. We can also see the control the Catholic Church can exert on the people by Pope Gelasius’s attempt to stamp out the festival.
Local Folk Festivals
  Festa de' Noantri
Beata Vergine del Carmine
The cedar carved Madonna of Trastevere. Notice her facial characteristics, she resembles in her features the Trasteveren people.
The Madonna's Carriage
The Madonna is carried through the streets in an elegantly carved gilded platform.
Brotherhoods in Traditional Garb
The members of various religious brotherhoods dressed in traditional garb and bearing their standards walk the processional route.
No Light Task
Despite its weight being allowed to carry the Madonna is considered a great honor.
Madonna Fiumarola
The Madonna is taken down the river from which she was pulled in 1535 C.E.
Processional Route
Crowds collect on the bridges along the processional route.
Although officially instituted in 1927, its origins are much older. This is a festival particular to a district of Rome called Trastevere (tras – TAY – veh – rayh). To understand the significance of this festival it is important to have some background on this historic quarter of Rome and the people who live there. “Trastevere” in Latin literally means “across the Tiber.” Back in the time of the empire this was the district where the captured victims of war brought to Rome from abroad were placed to live. For a long time it was connected to the main city of Rome by only one bridge named Ponte Sisto. Because of this exclusion from the main community the people of Trastevere have built up a strong sense of identity. Even today if you ask a person who is native to this district where they are from they will respond, ‘I am not Italian. I am not Roman. I am Trasteveren.’

“Noantri” is a Trasteveren dialectal word that derives from “noi”, a strengthened form of the word “we”, and “antri”, meaning “others”. Therefore, Festa de’ Noantri is the “Festival of We-Others” or more appropriately the “Festival of Ourselves”. It is an eight-day long festival that begins and ends with the procession of a cedar carved Madonna figure through and around the district of Trastevere.

The origins of the Madonna are told in a colorful local legend. It is said that in 1535 fishermen working along the banks of the Tiber pulled from the water the statue of the Madonna in their nets. Transfixed by her beauty they took her to the Carmelitan friars of San Crisogono, a church in Trastevere. Later, in 1890, the Madonna was transferred to Santa Agata in Trastevere. By this time she was known as Madonna del Carmine or Beata Vergine del Carmelo (Joyful Virgin of the Carmelitans).

The opening procession occurs every year on the third Saturday in July. It lasts only a few hours, usually in the evening to take advantage of the cooler temperatures. The route takes the Madonna from Santa Agata to her original home at San Crisogono. These churches stand only 50 meters apart and a direct procession would take only minutes. But the point of a procession is never simply to travel from point A to B. A procession physically moves through the space of the community. The opening procession of the Festa de’ Noantri winds in and about the streets of Trastevere, pausing at each of the district’s churches for a blessing before moving on.

The procession is headed by a priest carrying a giant cross and another leading the people in song with a mobile amplification system. The bishop walks with members of the local government near the front of the procession. They are in turn followed by crowds of people, religious brotherhoods and local clubs. People who live along the processional route hang banners or sheets from the window and throw confetti down on the processors below. The Madonna herself is carried by 16 men on a platform of gilded wood. Carrying the Madonna is a great honor and every year the procession leaves S. Agata a little later than scheduled because of arguments that arise because of this technicality.

The festival in the days that follow is really an occasion to renew Trasteveren traditions and sense of community. There are markets, fairs, folk songs, dances, and crafts. Wreaths of laurel are laid at the monuments of Trilussa and Giuseppe Gioacchino Belli, two poets who wrote in the local dialect. Public poetry readings of their works are given during this time.

The festival ends with a second procession. For this celebration the Madonna takes on the name “Madonna Fiumarola.” “Fiume” is Italian for river, alluding to the statue’s origins. The procession moves by boat down the Tiber, starting at Ponte Sant’Angelo (near the Vatican) and ending at Isola Tiberina (the island in the middle of the Tiber). The bishop and the Madonna ride in the first boat. This is followed by crafts filled with groups of various procession participants. People walk along the river banks or wait on bridges, throwing confetti on the procession below. When the procession approaches Ponte Sisto it meets a large crowd. This is where many of the people of Trastevere wait for the Madonna Fiumarola. Long ago it was at this traditional entrance to the district that the procession began. However, sometime in the past a storm washed the boat landing away and the procession’s starting point had to be moved upstream. But true to their nature the people of Trastevere know where their procession is supposed to begin and they still gather here today. At Isola Tiberina the boats pause to bless the patients in the island’s hospitals. The Madonna is then carried to Santa Maria, the main church in Trastevere. It is returned to Santa Agata the following morning in a very short and plain procession.

Although the focus of the Festa de’ Noantri may appear to be on the Virgin Mary, the festival is really more about building and perpetuating community traditions than it is about religion. It is fitting for this “Festival of Ourselves” to begin with a procession in which the people move together through the streets and alleys of their district. This opening procession simultaneously defines time, space and community. The concluding ceremony on the Tiber defines the boundaries of the community; both because the district is boarded on one side by the river and because of the crowds of people who still wait along Ponte Sisto for the Madonna to reach Trastevere. This act is also in part an element of defiance to the Papacy and its control over local religion. There is a boldness in the ceremony that is characteristic of the Trasteveren people. On her return trip the Madonna Fiumarola floats right past the Vatican, a procession of local Catholic subculture right past the ultimate seat of Church authority.

Modern Religious Ceremony
  Holy Week Processions
Pope John Paul II
Pope John Paul II waves an olive branch from his studio to crowds in St. Peter's Square.
Palm Sunday
People hold palm branches during a traditional Palm procession.
Good Friday Procession at the Colosseum I
Crowds gather for a torch-lit nighttime procession at the Colosseum
Good Friday Procession at the Colosseum II
A light-weight cross carried by a cardinal substituting for Pope John Paul II heads the procession.
Holy Week celebrations were first recorded by Christian tourists visiting the holy land in the late 4th century. These tourists took what they saw back to their homes in Europe. France and Spain integrated the customs first. The Christian community in Italy did not beginning celebrating the traditions of this week until the 8th century.

In Rome the main and most elaborate celebrations of Holy Week take place in the Vatican. Every day of the Holy Week has its own significance and set of rituals. Palm Sunday marks the week’s beginning. This day is a celebration of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem.

The ceremonies of Holy Week in the Vatican are meticulous and exact. The following is an excerpt of a few minutes worth of Vatican Palm Sunday rituals:

“Some palms are arranged on the altar. The Pope's chief Sacristan, who is a bishop chosen from the Augustinian order bears one, and kneels on the steps of the throne between the deacon and subdeacon, who bear two larger palms. His Holiness reads the usual prayers over the palms, sprinkles them with holy water, and incenses them three times.
When the palms have been blessed, the Cardinal Dean receives from the governor of Rome and presents to the Pope those three palms. One of these is held during the service by the prince assistant at the throne, the shortest is carried by the Pope in the procession. An embroidered apron is now placed over the Pope's knees, and the cardinals in turn receive a palm from Him, kissing the palm, his right hand and knee. The bishops present kiss the palm which they receive and his right knee.”

The day is also marked by a procession that moves out of Saint Peter’s Basilica and around the piazza.

Holy Thursday marks Jesus’ last Passover supper with his disciples. For Catholics it also marks the institution of the communion and the pledge of everlasting life. The oils for the year are blessed on this day, including those necessary for baptisms, consecrating churches, and ordaining priests. Many of the ceremonies are symbolic of the life of Christ during his last few days on earth. During this day a host is consecrated and covered with a linen cloth, as the dead body of Jesus Christ was wrapped in linen after being taken down from the cross. There is also no kiss of peace performed on this day, in remembrance of the treacherous kiss of Judas. The pope washes the feet of 13 priests, mimicking the way Jesus washed the feet of his disciples during the last supper. All ornaments in the church are stripped and the altar is washed in water and wine by the cardinals, an allusion to the blood and water which flowed from Jesus when he hung on the cross. The stripping of the church also is a sign of mourning, symbolizing how Jesus was stripped before dying on the cross.

Following Holy Thursday is Good Friday. It commemorates the day Jesus died upon the cross and is a time for honoring all those who died for their beliefs. In more recent years the Pope has lead a nighttime procession around the Colosseum on this day. This is the last and most public procession of the Holy Week. It is held in memory of the Christian Martyrs believed to have died in the ancient arena. This is also a day of fasting and no mass is held.

Within the rigidity and structure of the Holy Week ceremonies we find again the same linking themes. One of the week’s main functions is to track the amount of time that has transpired since the death of Jesus Christ. There is also the temporal layout of the festival; it follows hour to hour the accounts of the last week of Jesus’ life. It is a way of connecting Christians to their lord and savior, the reason their church was founded. The multiple processions of the Holy Week build community. They are an occasion for Catholics to make public their faith and to celebrate together their beliefs. The ceremonies of the Holy Week are a good example of the social control the Catholic Church can exert on its members. By remaining strict and consistent on the rituals for this week the Church appears absolute in its authority.

Processional Icons
  Santo Bambino
S. Maria in Aracoeli
Santa Maria boasts Rome's best Christmas tradition and is the home of Santo Bambino. There are 124 steps (oh yes, we counted).
Santo Bambino
The holy child "Santo Bambino" housed in his side chapel at S. Maria in Aracoeli.
Every winter during the Christmas holidays, Santa Maria in Aracoeli boasts Rome’s most grand Yuletide display. Every one of the church’s 124 steps is lit up with candles. As you ascend you are greeted by bagpipers in traditional mountain Pifferari dress playing holiday carols.

Amid all the holiday celebrations is the church’s main Christmastime attraction: Santo Bambino. Santo Bambino is a small wooden statue of the baby Jesus with a very unusual history. The original statue dates to the end of the 15th century when it was carved in Jerusalem by a Franciscan Friar out of an olive tree from the Garden of Gethsemani. The friar lacked the necessary paints to complete his work, but miraculously in the night an angel came and painted the statue for him. The friar soon traveled to Rome, but a severe storm on the sea forced him to throw the Bambino overboard. The statue arrived by itself at the harbor in the wake of the ship. During one Christmas season a Roman matron stole the Bambino from his nativity crib and hid it in her home. However, she became gravely ill and was obliged to return the statue. It is popular tradition that the statue left her home and returned to Santa Maria on its own. Those who believe themselves aided by the Bambino in some way donate jewelry or precious stones to it in gratitude. In 1798 another Roman matron saved the statue from being burned by the troops of Napolean by paying a huge ransom.

Today the Bambino stands in the small side chapel just to the left of the main altar. During the Christmas mass the veiled Bambino is brought out of his little chapel to a ceremonial baroque throne before the high altar. During the Gloria of the mass the veil is lifted. A short procession takes the Bambino over to a nativity crib in the left side nave, in the Chapel of the Creche. Mothers encourage their children to sit near the crib and to sing and pray to the Santo Bambino. The Bambino remains here until Epiphany (January 6th) when he is taken in a procession to the top of the Aracoeli staircase. Here the priest grants a benediction of the city and its people. It is then exposed for one day for Romans to give the statue an Epiphany kiss. Santo Bambino is they returned to his chapel for another year. The little wooden statue of the baby Jesus on display today is a replica. The original was last stolen in 1994 and has yet to be returned.

Santo Bambino is a prime example of the role processional icons can play in a religious community. When people honor the Bambino they are not worshiping the wood and gold. Instead it is a device around which the people can build a tradition and foster a sense of community. Mothers introduce their children to the idea of the baby Jesus by having them become comfortable with Santo Bambino. Even though it is no longer the original and is doubtfully craved from a Gethsemani tree, the current Bambino still holds with it this idea of a connection to the Holy Land. Santo Bambino acts as the link between the past and the present, Rome and Jerusalem, and Catholics and their savior.