HSS 2000, Vancouver, B.C., 2-5 November


Prize Nominations

Facts About Denver

Exhibitor's Guide



Dear Exhibits Manager:

The History of Science Society will hold its 2001 annual meeting in Denver, Colorado, 8-11 November, in the AdamÕs Mark hotel, located in the downtown area. This will be a special event as we meet in conjunction with the International History and Philosophy of Science Teaching (IHPST) Group. Members of the IHPST come largely from education departments throughout the world, and we are excited by this opportunity to infuse the history of science with well-considered pedagogical approaches.

The book exhibit, which includes the combined exhibit, is a highlight of the annual meeting and our members (historians, philosophers, scientists, graduate students, archivists, librarians, and others) will spend much of their time perusing the many titles on display.

If you have not exhibited with us in the past, there are numerous reasons why you should consider joining us in 2001:

  • We expect over 700 delegates for our HSS/IHPST meeting in Denver.
  • Historians of science read widely in many disciplines.
  • The HSS/IHPST meeting offers an intimate setting, not found at the larger conventions, for interviewing authors.
  • Coffee breaks, complete with cocktail tables, are set up in the exhibit area to encourage browsing.

We have enclosed an order form for both the book exhibit and delegate packet insertions. We have also included insertion-order information for placing an advertisement in our meeting guide and quarterly Newsletter. Discounts, as indicated on the enclosed insertion-order form, are available for multiple advertising orders.

If you plan to join us in Denver, please take advantage of our online registration, which should become available in July. You may also request a hard copy of the registration form. (A complimentary registration is provided for each reserved table, up to a total of four registrations.) If you have any questions, or would like further information, please do not hesitate to contact the Book Exhibit Manager (hssexec@u.washington.edu, (206) 543-9366 FAX: (206) 685-9544).

We look forward to seeing you in November!

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