Hurricane Sandy Database

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Hurricane Sandy Meteorological Data

Field Data File Type Description Source URL
Wind Meteorological Observation .xlsx Spreadsheet Meteorological observations from Bergen Point West Reach station (ID: 8519483) NOAA Tides & Currents
H*Wind .shp Shapefile H*Wind analysis from October 23rd through October 30th Hwind Scientific
Radar Radar datasets collected from the NOAA P3 aircraft radars NOAA Sandy 2012 Radar Data
Flight Mission Logs Listings of transmitted sonde data from reconnaissance aircraft mission into Sandy NOAA Sandy 2012 Sondes
Sondes Flight summaries and data listings of individual aircraft missions for Hurricane Sandy NOAA Sandy 2012 Missions
SFMR Listings of Stepped Frequency Microwave Radiometer (SFMR) data from aircraft missions into Sandy NOAA Sandy 2012 SFMR
Satellite Images Satellite Pictures of Sandy from various sources NOAA Sandy 2012 Pictures
Hurricane Track Track Image and Text Files The wind center fixes and the track for Hurricane Sandy NOAA Sandy Track 2012
Image Hazard Images Image Files NASA Earth Observatory Natural Hazards Images NASA Severe Storms : Natural Hazards
Oblique Aerial Photography .jpg Image Files USGS pre and post storm photos for Hurricane Sandy prepared by St. Petersburg Coastal and Marine Science Center USGS Sandy Pre and Post Storm Photos
Storm Surge NYC_Feb14Final1mSurgeDataClipped .shp Shapefile & Raster Dataset High resolution products (Storm Surge Boundary and Depth Grid) based on mission assigned field verified USGS HWM data, USGS surge sensor data through February 14th, 2013 and NYCOEM 1 meter NY3 SLOSH Basin DEM FEMA Modeling Task Force (MOTF)
WaterSurfaceElevations_HWM0214 Raster Dataset Interpolated water surface elevations based off of USGS high water marks and USGS surge sensor data through February 14, 2013
WaterSurfaceElevations_HWM1111 Interpolated water surface elevations based off of USGS high water marks and USGS surge sensor data through November 11, 2012
NYC_1m_InterimHighRes_HWMSS1111 .shp Shapefile & Raster Dataset Interim high resolution product based on mission assigned field verified USGS HWM data, USGS surge sensor data and NYCOEM 1 meter NY3 SLOSH Basin DEM, through 11 November 2012. This dataset has not been clipped to the county boundaries
HurricaneSandyImpactAnalysis_010913 .shp Shapefile Hurricane Sandy Composite Surge/Precipitation/Wind Map: County Impact Assessment include updates of population, households, Individual Assistance applicants and NFIP policies exposed to surge, as well as estimates of $ losses for surge and wind
Storm Tide The Battery Historical Tide Data .xlsx Spreadsheets Historic tide data (MLLW) from The Battery, NY station (ID: 8518750) NOAA Tides & Currents
Climate Data Search Tool .csv File Climate data including 15 minute and 1 hour precipitation, temperature, climate indices and normal data NOAA National Climatic Data Center
Mapping Tool .csv File Climate data including 15 minute and 1 hour precipitation, temperature, climate indices and normal data NOAA National Climatic Data Center

Acknowledgment: This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation RAPID Collaborative for Hurricane Sandy under Grant Number CMMI 1316290 (Professor Dorothy Reed at the University of Washington), CMMI 1316301 (Professor Carol Friedland at the Louisiana State University) and CMMI 1316335 (Professor Rae Zimmerman at New York University).

Disclaimer: This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number CMMI 1316290 RAPID Collaborative for Hurricane Sandy. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.