
Welcome to the official GO-Quant Website!

GO-Quant is an extended program to extract quantitative gene expression values and to calculate the average intensity or ratio for those significantly altered by functional gene category based on MappFinder Results.

A full description of the application can be found in the following article published in Toxicological Science

Title: A System Based Approach to Interpret Dose and Time-dependent Microarray Data: Quantitative Integration of GO Ontology Analysis for Risk Assessment by Xiaozhong Yu, William C. Griffith, Kristina Hanspers, James F. Dillman III, Hansel Ong, Melinda A. Vredevoogd, and Elaine M. Faustman [Abstract] [PubMed] [Full Text][PDF]

To download, please go to the download section.
To see instructions on how to use the program, please go to the guide section.
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