Selected Publications Kimelman, D. (2016). Tales of tails (and trunks): forming the posterior body in vertebrate embryos. Curr Topics in Dev Biol 116, 517-536. Bouldin, C.M., Manning, A.J., Peng, Y.-H., Farr, G.H.I., Hung, K.L., Dong, A., and Kimelman, D. (2015). Wnt signaling and tbx16 form a bistable switch to commit bipotential progenitors to mesoderm. Development 142, 2499-2507. Manning, A.J., and Kimelman, D. (2015). Tbx16 and Msgn1 are required to establish directional cell migration of zebrafish mesodermal progenitors. Dev Biol 406, 172-185. Bouldin, C.M., and Kimelman, D. (2014). Cdc25 and the importance of G2 control: insights from developmental biology. Cell Cycle 13, 2165-2171. Bouldin, C.M., Snelson, C.D., Farr, G.H.I., and Kimelman, D. (2014). Restricted expression of cdc25a in the tailbud is essential for formation of the zebrafish posterior body. Genes Dev 28, 384-395. Kimelman, D., and Martin, B.L. (2012). Anterior-Posterior patterning in early development: Three stratagies. WIREs Dev Biol 1, 253-266. Martin, B.L., and Kimelman, D. (2012). Canonical Wnt signaling dynamically controls multiple stem cell fate decisions during vertebrate body formation. Dev Cell 22, 223-232. Row, R., MaƮtre, J.-L., Martin, B.L., Stockinger, P., Heisenberg, C.-P., and Kimelman, D. (2011). Completion of the epithelial to mesenchymal transition in zebrafish mesoderm requires Spadetail. Dev Biol 354, 102-110. Martin, B.L., and Kimelman, D. (2010). Brachyury establishes the embryonic mesodermal progenitor niche. Genes Dev 24, 2778-2783. Martin, B.L., and Kimelman, D. (2009). Wnt signaling and the evolution of embryonic posterior development. Curr Biol 19, R215-219. Martin, B.L., and Kimelman, D. (2008). Regulation of canonical Wnt signaling by Brachyury is essential for posterior mesoderm formation. Dev Cell 15, 121-133. Szeto, D.P., and Kimelman, D. (2006). The regulation of mesodermal progenitor cell commitment to somitogenesis subdivides the zebrafish body musculature into distinct domains. Genes Dev 20, 1923-1932. Bjornson, C.R., Griffin, K.J., Farr, G.H., 3rd, Terashima, A., Himeda, C., Kikuchi, Y., and Kimelman, D. (2005). Eomesodermin is a localized maternal determinant required for endoderm induction in zebrafish. Dev Cell 9, 523-533. Pyati, U.J., Webb, A.E., and Kimelman, D. (2005). Transgenic zebrafish reveal stage-specific roles for Bmp signaling in ventral and posterior mesoderm development. Development 132, 2333-2343. Lee, H., and Kimelman, D. (2002). A dominant-negative form of p63 is required for epidermal proliferation in zebrafish. Dev Cell 2, 607-616. Graham, T.A., Weaver, C., Mao, F., Kimelman, D., and Xu, W. (2000). Crystal structure of a beta-catenin/Tcf complex. Cell 103, 885-896. Yost, C., Farr, G.H., 3rd, Pierce, S.B., Ferkey, D.M., Chen, M.M., and Kimelman, D. (1998). GBP, an inhibitor of GSK-3, is implicated in Xenopus development and oncogenesis. Cell 93, 1031-1041. Brannon, M., Gomperts, M., Sumoy, L., Moon, R.T., and Kimelman, D. (1997). A beta-catenin/XTcf-3 complex binds to the siamois promoter to regulate dorsal axis specification in Xenopus. Genes Dev 11, 2359-2370. Pierce, S.B., and Kimelman, D. (1995). Regulation of Spemann organizer formation by the intracellular kinase Xgsk-3. Development 121, 755-765. Talbot, W.S., Trevarrow, B., Halpern, M.E., Melby, A.E., Farr, G., Postlethwait, J.H., Jowett, T., Kimmel, C.B., and Kimelman, D. (1995). A homeobox gene essential for zebrafish notochord development. Nature 378, 150-157.