Diane P. Genereux

Epigenetic Biology: mathematical and molecular approaches

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My goal is to understand the molecular origins of epigenetic stability and change, and their implications for population genetics and genome evolution.

My current focus is on epigenetic regulation as mediated by DNA methylation. In particular, I am asking:

How precisely is epigenetic information transmitted across generations of somatic cells?
The epigenetic information encoded by DNA methylation is transmitted with good --- but imperfect --- fidelity. We have developed mathematical models (Genereux et al. 2005, Fu et al. 2010) to quantify the fidelity with which this information is transmitted, and molecular techniques (Genereux et al. 2008) to collect the highly reliable epigenetic data necessary to measure these fidelities. In our most recent work (Fu et al., in press), we investigate the molecular properties of the methyltransferase enzymes that are responsible for transmitting epigenetic information from parent to daughter strands of DNA.  

How does epigenetic information emerge during organismal development?
In mammals, the epigenetic information encoded by DNA methylation is erased --- and then reestablished --- at every generation. In collaboration with Jamie Goodson and Minseung Choi, I am using vertebrate and plant models to investigate these dynamics.

How is epigenetic information altered in disease and aging?
Abnormal loss, and abnormal gain, of DNA methylation can lead to disease phenotypes in human. We have developed molecular and mathematical approaches to investigate the epigenetic states that lead to the cognitive impairment characteristic of fragile X syndrome (Stöger et al. 2011). I have developed theoretical approaches (Genereux 2009) to investigate the impact of cellular-population structure on epigenetic changes in cancer and aging. In my current work, I am applying our statistical models to ask how the transmission of epigenetic information over rounds of cell division is perturbed in individuals with fragile X syndrome.

How did epigenetic regulation evolve, and how has it shaped population genetics and genome evolution?
There are many opportunities for genetic and epigenetic information to interact. DNA methylation is mutagenic when transmitted through the germ line, and a gene that is  epigenetically silenced in a given individual becomes transiently invisible to natural selection. In my current work (Genereux and Laird, in final preparation), I am using mathematical approaches to investigate the historical, molecular, and cultural factors that have shaped and will shape the contemporary and future epidemiology of fragile X syndrome, a genetic/epigenetic disease.   A long-term goal is to understand the role of evolution processes in tuning the ability of individual loci to undergo epigenetic change in response to environmental signals.

Biology Publications
Audrey Q. Fu, Diane P. Genereux, Reinhard Stöger,  Charles D. Laird, and Matthew Stephens in press. Statistical Inference of In Vivo Properties of Human DNA Methyltransferases from Double-Stranded Methylation Patterns. PLoS One.

Reinhard Stöger, Diane P. Genereux, Randi J. Hagerman, Paul J. Hagerman, Flora Tassone, Charles D. Laird. 2011. Testing the FMR1 promoter for mosaicism in DNA methylation among CpG sites, strands, and cells in FMR1-expressing males with fragile X syndrome. PLoS One 6(8): e23648. .pdf 

Audrey Q. Fu, Diane P. Genereux, Reinhard Stöger,  Charles D. Laird, and Matthew Stephens, 2010. Statistical inference of transmission fidelity of DNA methylation patterns over somatic cell divisions in mammals. Annals of Applied Statistics 4: 871-892. .pdf 

Diane P. Genereux, 2009. Asymmetric Strand Segregation: Epigenetic Costs of Genetic Fidelity? PLoS Genetics 5(6): e1000509. .pdf

Diane P. Genereux, Winslow C. Johnson, Alice F. Burden, Reinhard Stöger,  Charles D. Laird, 2008. Errors in the Bisulfite Conversion of DNA: Modulating Inappropriate- and Failed-Conversion Frequencies. Nucleic Acids Research 36:e150..pdf

Diane P. Genereux, Brooks E. Miner, Carl T. Bergstrom, Charles D. Laird, 2005. A population-epigenetic model to infer site-specific methylation rates from double-stranded DNA methylation patterns.  Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences. 102: 5802. .pdf

Diane P. Genereux and John M. Logsdon, Jr. 2003. Much Ado about Bacteria-to-Vertebrate Lateral Gene Transfer. Trends in Genetics. 19: 191-195..pdf

Teaching Publications
Diane P. Genereux and Carl T. Bergstrom, 2005. Evolution in Action: Understanding Antibiotic Resistance in Evolutionary Science and Society: Educating a New Generation, Joel Cracraft and Rodger W. Bybee, eds., published by National Association of Biology Teachers. .pdf

Diane Genereux and Brianna Huntsberger. 1999. Service matters: the engaged campus. Campus Compact, Providence, Rhode Island. Barbara Caron, ed.

Contact Information
Diane Genereux
Department of Biology
University of Washington
Box 351800
Seattle, WA 98195-1800
Phone: (206) 616-9385
Fax: (206) 543-3041

Last modified 18 February 2012.