Shot from Classical Japanese informational video

Video Production for the Classical Japanese program

Check out the recent video the LLC produced for the Department of Asian Langauges and Literature's Classical Japanese program in partnership with Washin Kai (Friends of Classical Japanese at UW).

Turkey in Seattle Website Screenshot

Turkey in Seattle

A UW archival project supported in part by the LLC.

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field trip in startalk program


An initiative that seeks to expand and improve the teaching and learning of strategically important world languages that are not now widely taught in the US.

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Language Testing

Media Conversion


Welcome to the Language Learning Center

The Language Learning Center provides services for both teachers and students across the University of Washington community.

Services we provide include but are not limited to classrooms for language learning, language learning software, digital tools, website development for research projects, photography, audio and video production for language departments, media conversion for language instructors, and much more.

The Language Learning Center is also involved in community outreach and supports community archival projects, the preservation of indigenous languages and hosts summer workshops for high school students and adults. See our project page linked below for more information about past projects and events.

Project Page


Headphonese and studio microphone

Recording Studio

The LLC has a recording studio available for use by instructors and students for the purposes of language learning and language material creation. The studio is equipped with microphones and software for high-quality audio recording. We welcome instructors and students to schedule appointments with us to use the recording studio. Click the link above to learn more about media production at the LLC.

Recording Studio
Empty classroom

Computer Classroom

We have three computer classrooms: two are formal classroom for instructors, and the other is a study room for all students.

Recording Studio
Camera filming someone

Video Production

The LLC recording studio also has various high-quality cameras and microphones available for instructors and students for language learning or language material creation. Here are some examples of past promotional material the LLC has created as well as some language-learning material. Please feel free to schedule with us if you have any great ideas!

Media Production

News & Events

Significant Projects

startalk logo


STARTALK was launched as a new component in the programs of the National Security Language Initiative (NSLI) announced by former President Bush in January of 2006. STARTALK’s mission is to increase the number of U.S. citizens learning, speaking, and teaching critical need foreign languages.

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Turkey In Seattle project logo with outline of Seattle skyline

Turkey in Seattle: An Oral History Project

The research project, Turkey in Seattle Oral History, aims to record, archive and preserve the oral histories of people who immigrated from Turkey to the Pacific Northwest Region in the United States, no matter what their race, ethnicity and/or religion.

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Urdu script project photo

Urdu Script Video Project

The LLC recent completed a series of 21 instructional videos covering the Urdu script and pronciation system. The videos were presented by Dr. Jameel Ahmad, Associate Teaching Professor in the UW Asian Languages and Literature. The project is part of the 'Urdu Language and Culture' initiative by AIPS (American Institute of Pakistan Studies).

MELL logo inside of Washington state outline

MELL: Mapping and Enhancing Language Learning

MELL project tracks and reports on world language learning and trends in Washington State. MELL represents a significant effort to help policy makers, educators, students, and parents understand which languages students are currently learning in our K-12 schools, community colleges, and in after-school language programs.

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Simple logo of CLCS text

CLCS: Culture and Linguistics for Cybersecurity

One of the most pressing challenges facing cybersecurity experts today is a lack of cultural competence. We are trying to improve: 1. The ability for cyber professionals to understand the ‘human factor’ in general. 2. Recognize their blind spots. 3. Develop lifelong learning skills.

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Languages without Borders logo inside of Washington State outline

Languages Without Borders - Promoting Equitable Access to Language Education

This project was partially inspired by the current situation at the University of Washington. While there are a very few language classes that currently allow non-matriculated UW students to attend, there is no formal policy to allow for this to happen.

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Speech bubble with acronym FLOM inside

FLOM: Folk Linguistic Online Mapping

FLOM is a tool for collecting perceptual dialect maps and subjective reactions to language variation online. This tool enables researchers to create online surveys that incorporate maps as a means of framing the responses. Researchers can use their own maps and sound files, as well as develop customized survey questions (such as respondent demographics).

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Photo of ASL video

Cybersecurity for ASL Learners and Students

In 2022, the LLC was awarded a Open Educational Resource (OER) development grant from the WA Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) to create a week-long module of lessons on the topic of cybersecurity for American Sign Language (ASL) learners and students. The resources are targeting grades 9-12, but will be appropriate for individuals in the 7-16 grade range. Click the link below to learn more on our project page.

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Location: Denny Hall 1st floor

Working Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm

Contact Us: Phone: 206-543-0536
Fax: 206-685-1732

Campus Mailbox: Box 353140