Canvas: Quick Start

Workshop Description:

Learn the basics to get your course up and running, with hands on practice. Sample files will be provided, but we recommend bringing your own materials for a more tailored experience.

Topics include:

  • Setting up your course homepage
  • Uploading files for students
  • Creating an online assignment


Please complete the pre-assessment below prior to reviewing the materials.

Required Pre-Workshop Review Materials:


If you have not already, please read the material on the Canvas Topic “Getting Started”

Approximately 5 minutes


Watch this quick video on how to use the Rich Content Editor in Canvas

Approximately 4.5 minutes


Optional Review Materials:


These materials are not required but will assist you in better understanding the workshop material and easily create content in your Canvas courses


Canvas Assignment Creation (Video)

Approximately 5 minutes


Creating a New Page in Canvas (Text)

Approximately 1 minute


Please complete the post-assessment below after reviewing the materials.