Canvas: Conquering Assignments & Grading

Workshop Description:

Learn about providing rich feedback for your students using assignments and the Canvas Gradebook.

Topics include:

  • Settings to make grading more efficient
  • Building an assignment
  • Grading using SpeedGrader
  • Importing and exporting grades using a .CSV file

Required Pre-Workshop Review Materials:

If you have not already, please read the material on the Assessment Page, paying special attention to the section on Assignments.

Approximately 3 minutes


Please read the documentation about How do I use SpeedGrader?

Approximately 2 minutes


Watch this quick video on how to Create an Assignment in Canvas

Approximately 5-6 minutes


Optional Review Materials:

These materials are not required but will assist you in better understanding the workshop material and easily create content in your Canvas courses


SpeedGrader Overview Video

Approximately 5 minutes


How do I use the Gradebook?

Approximately 1 minute


Once you have reviewed all of the content, please take a moment to fill out the survey below. We are interested if this information was useful and how we can improve it. We’d also like to know a little more about you and how we can provide further support.