
Vallur AC, Maizels N. 2010. Distinct activities of exonuclease 1 and flap endonuclease 1 at telomeric g4 DNA. PLoS One. 2010 Jan 26;5(1):e8908.

Ordinario EC, Yabuki M, Handa P, Cummings WJ, Maizels N. 2009. RAD51 paralogs promote homology-directed repair at diversifying immunoglobulin V regions. BMC Mol Biol. 2009 Oct 28;10:98.

Ordinario EC, Yabuki M, Larson RP, Maizels N. 2009. Temporal regulation of Ig gene diversification revealed by single-cell imaging. J Immunol. 2009 Oct 1;183(7):4545-53. Epub 2009 Sep 11.

Eddy J, Maizels N. 2009. Selection for the G4 DNA motif at the 5' end of human genes. Mol Carcinog. 2009 Apr;48(4):319-25.

McConnell Smith A, Takeuchi R, Pellenz S, Davis L, Maizels N, Monnat RJ Jr, Stoddard BL. 2009. Generation of a nicking enzyme that stimulates site-specific gene conversion from the I-AniI LAGLIDADG homing endonuclease. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 2009 Mar 31

Yabuki M, Ordinario EC, Cummings WJ, Fujii MM, Maizels N.2009 E2A acts in cis in G1 phase of cell cycle to promote Ig gene diversification. J Immunol. 2009 Jan 1;182(1):408-15.

Cummings WJ, Bednarski DW, Maizels N. 2008. Genetic variation stimulated by epigenetic modification. PLoS One. 2008;3(12):e4075. Epub 2008 Dec 30.

Larson ED, Bednarski DW, Maizels N. 2008. High-fidelity correction of genomic uracil by human mismatch repair activities. BMC Mol Biol. 2008 Oct 27;9:94.

Vallur AC, Maizels N. 2008. Activities of human exonuclease 1 that promote cleavage of transcribed immunoglobulin switch regions. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 2008 Oct 28

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Cummings W.J., Yabuki M., Ordinario E.O., Bednarski D.W., Quay S., and Maizels N. 2007.  Chromatin Structure Regulates Gene Conversion.  PLoS Bio.  18;5(10):e246.  

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Vallur, A.C.., Yabuki, M., Larson, E.D., Maizels, N.  2007.  AID in antibody perfection.  Cell. Mol. Life Sci.  64(5): 555-565.

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Eddy, J., Maizels, N.  2006.  Gene function correlates with potential for G4 DNA formation in the human genome. Nucleic Acids Res.  34(14): 3887-3896.

Huber, M.D., Duquette, M.L., Shiels, J.C., Maizels, N.  2006.  A conserved G4 DNA binding domain in RecQ family helicases. J Mol Biol.358: 1071-80.

Maizels, N. 2006. Regulated and unregulated recombination at G-rich genomic regions. In The Implicit Genome, L.H. Caporale, ed. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 191-207.

Larson, E.D., Cummings, W.J., Bednarski, D.W., Maizels, N. 2005. MRE11/RAD50 cleaves DNA in the AID/UNG-dependent pathway of immunoglobulin gene diversification. Molecular Cell. 20: 367-375.

Yabuki, M., Fujii, M., Maizels, N. 2005. The MRE11/RAD50/NBS1 complex accelerates somatic hypermutation and gene conversion of immunoglobulin genes. Nature Immunol. 6: 730-736.

Duquette, M.L., Pham, P., Goodman, M.F. and Maizels, N. 2005. AID binds to transcription-induced structures in c-MYC that map to regions associated with translocation and hypermutation. Oncogene. 24: 5791-5798.

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Maizels, N. and Scharff, M.D. 2003. Molecular mechanisms of hypermutation. In Molecular Biology of B Cells, M. Neuberger, T. Honjo and F.W. Alt, eds. Academic Press, New York, pp. 327-338.

Cocco, M.D., Hanakahi, L.A., Huber, M.D. and Maizels, N. 2003. Specific interactions of distamycin with G quadruplex DNA. Nucleic Acids Res . 31: 2944-2951.

Maizels, N. 2003. Yin outwits Yang at the IgE locus. Nature Immunol. 4: 7-8.

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Kong, Q. and Maizels, N. 2001. DNA breaks in hypermutating immunoglobulin genes: evidence for a break and repair pathway of somatic hypermutation. Genetics 158: 369-378.

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Hanakahi, L.A., Bu, Z. and Maizels, N. 2000. The C-terminal domain of nucleolin accelerates nucleic acid annealing. Biochemistry 39:15493-15499.

Maizels, N. 2000. Secret sharers in the immune system: a novel RNA editing activity links switch recombination and somatic hypermutation(minireview). Genome Biology 1:1025.1-1025.3.

Eversole, A. and Maizels, N. 2000. In Vitro Properties of the Conserved Mammalian Protein hnRNP D Suggest a Role in Telomere Maintenance. Mol. Cell. Biol. 20:5425-5432.

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Maizels, N. 1999. Immunoglobulin class switch recombination: will genetics provide new clues to mechanism? Am. J. Hum. Genet . 64:1270-1275.

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Maizels, N. and Weiner, A.M. 1999. The genomic tag hypothesis: what molecular fossils tell us about the evolution of tRNA. In The RNA World, second edition. R.F. Gesteland and J.F. Atkins, eds. Cold Spring Harbor Press, Cold Spring Harbor, New York, pp. 79-111.

Dempsey, L.A., Sun, H., Hanakahi, L.A. and Maizels, N. 1999. G4 DNA binding by LR1 and its subunits, nucleolin and hnRNP D: a role for G-G pairing in immunoglobulin switch recombination. J. Biol. Chem . 274:1066-1071.

Yue, D., Weiner, A.M. and Maizels, N. 1998. The CCA-adding enzyme has a single active site. J. Biol. Chem . 273:29693-29700.

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Sun, H., Karow, J.K., Hickson, I.D. and Maizels, N. 1998. The Bloom’s syndrome helicase unwinds G4 DNA. J. Biol. Chem. 273: 27587-27592.

Peakman, M.-C. and Maizels, N. 1998. Localization of splenic B cells activated for switch recombination by in situ hybridization with Ig1 switch transcript and Rad51 probes. J. Immunol . 161:4008-4015.
Kong, Q., Zhao, L, Subbaiah, S. and Maizels, N. 1998. A l 3’ enhancer drives active and untemplated somatic hypermutation of a l1 transgene. J. Immunol. 161:294-301.

Dempsey, L.A., Li, M.-J., DePace, A., Bray-Ward, P. and Maizels, N. 1998. The human HNRPD locus maps to 4q21 and encodes a highly conserved protein. Genomics 49:378-384.

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Shi, P.-Y., Maizels, N. and Weiner, A.M. 1998. CCA addition by tRNA nucleotidyltransferase: polymerization without translocation? EMBO J . 17:3197-3206.

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Shi, P.-Y., Maizels, N. and Weiner, A.M. 1997. Recovery of soluble, active recombinant protein from inclusion bodies. BioTechniques 23:1036-1038.

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Yue, D., Maizels, N. and Weiner, A.M. 1996. CCA-adding enzymes and poly(A) polymerases are all members of the same nucleotidyltransferase superfamily: Characterization of the CCA-adding enzyme from the archæal hyperthermophile Sulfolobus shibatae. RNA 2:895-908.

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Maizels, N. 1995. Somatic hypermutation: How many mechanisms diversify V region sequences? Cell 83:9-12.

Bulfone-Paus, S.B., Dempsey, L.A. and Maizels, N. 1995. Host factors LR1 and Sp1 regulate the Fp latent promoter of Epstein-Barr virus. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92:8293-8297.

Hengstschläger, M. and Maizels, N. 1995. Isotype exclusion in l1 transgenic mice depends on transgene copy number and diminishes with downregulation of transgene transcripts. Eur. J. Immunol. 25:187-191.

Hengstschläger, M., Maizels, N. and Leung, H. 1995. Targeting and regulation of immunoglobulin gene somatic hypermutation and isotype switch recombination. Progress in Nucleic Acids Res. and Mol. Biol. 50:67-99.

Maizels, N. and Weiner, A. M. 1994. Phylogeny from function: evidence from the molecular fossil record that tRNA originated in replication, not translation. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91:6729-6734.

Hengstschläger, M., Williams, M. and Maizels, N. 1994. A l1 transgene under the control of the heavy chain promoter and enhancer does not undergo somatic hypermutation. Eur. J. Immunol. 24:1649-1656.

Weiner, A.M. and Maizels, N. 1994. Unlocking the secrets of retroviral evolution. Current Biol. 6:560-563.

Brys, A. and Maizels, N. 1994. LR1 regulates c-myc transcription in B cell lymphomas. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 91:4915-4919.



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