Olivier Nercessian
Research associate

University of Washington
Box 352125
Seattle, WA 98195-1750

Phone 206-616-8185
Fax 206-616-5721

Ph.D. 2003, University of Western Britany, Brest, France

M.S. 1999, University of Western Britany, Brest, France

Research interests

Microbial ecology in aquatic ecosystems (Lake Washington, deep-sea hydrothermal vents) 
investigated by cultivation and molecular methods

Metagenomics of methylotrophic bacteria

Evolution of methylotrophic bacteria

Selected Publications

Kalyuzhnaya, M.G., O. Nercessian, M.E. Lidstrom, and L. Chistoserdova. Environmental genomics of C1 metabolism. In: Manual of Environmental Microbiology. 2006. ASM Press. In Press.

Nercessian, O., E. Noyes, M.G. Kalyuzhnaya, M.E. Lidstrom, and L. Chistoserdova. Bacterial populations active in metabolism of C1 compounds in the sediment of Lake Washington, a freshwater lake. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. In Press.

Kalyuzhnaya, M.G., O. Nercessian, M.E. Lidstrom, and L. Chistoserdova. Development and application of PCR primers based on fhcD for environmental detection of methanopterin-linked C1 metabolism in bacteria. Environ. Microbiol. 2005, 7:1269-1274.

Kalyuzhnaya, M.G., O. Nercessian, A. Lapidus, and L. Chistoserdova. Fishing for biodibersity: novel methanopterin-linked C1 genes deduced from the Sargasso Sea metagenome. Environ. Microbiol. 2005 (In Press).

Kalyuzhnaya M.G., S. Bowerman, O. Nercessian, M.E. Lidstrom, and L. Chistoserdova. Highly divergent genes for methanopterin-linked C1 transfer reactions in Lake Washington, assessed via metagenomic analysis and mRNA detection. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. Submitted.

Nercessian, O., M.G. Kalyuzhnaya, S.B. Joye, M.E. Lidstrom, and L. Chistoserdova. Analysis of fae and fhcD genes in a soda lake, Mono Lake (CA). Appl. Environ. Microbiol. Submitted.