You teach engineering. You're confronted with a challenge connected to teaching, students, or faculty life. What do you do NEXT?
You are not alone. Through the narratives on this site, you can identify engineering faculty in situations similar to your own. Explore their challenges and learn how they are resolved with help from mentors, peers, or instructional consultants. These stories will guide you to relevant and straightforward teaching advice.
Stories in the Spotlight
Dr. Mary Haines in a teaching workshop
Dr. Mary Haines, after attending an interactive teaching workshop, was inspired to change how she taught her control systems course, a tough course... (Read Story >>)
Bored students in Dr. Mike Wong's class
Dr. Mike Wong, who teaches a large mechanics of materials class, is frustrated that his students appear bored and disinterested. Mike wants his class to be an engaging and instructive experience, so he talks talks with a research colleague... (Read Story >>)
Dr. Derek Johnson & students
Derek Johnson is starting his first faculty position after graduation and has been assigned to teach thermodynamics. Though he received pre-existing course materials, he would like to adapt the... (Read Story >>)
The people in our stories are not actual faculty members, but the stories are based upon the complex situations of actual engineering educators. Read more about the inspiration for these stories at Origin of Stories.