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What We Do

WA-NOPREN is part of the national Nutrition and Obesity Policy Research and Evaluation Network (NOPREN), which is funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to study policies related to nutrition and obesity.

Under the guidance of a transdisciplinary research Leadership Team that includes academic, public health, agriculture, and community stakeholders, WA-NOPREN identifies relevant policy topics and conducts research along the continuum of policy identification, development, adoption, implementation, enforcement and evaluation.

Our mission

The mission of the national NOPREN is to conduct transdisciplinary policy research along the continuum of policy identification, development and implementation by:

  • Identifying areas subject to influence by policies
  • Identifying relevant policies that foster or inhibit healthier lifestyles
  • Describing the process of developing and implementing policies
  • Analyzing adopted policy content, intent, and enforcement
  • Evaluating health outcomes and co-benefits of policy adoption and implementation
  • Creating and disseminating model policies

Information from completed research will be disseminated to a variety of audiences including, but not limited to, other practitioners, state health departments, federal, state, and local officials, and advocates.

Our Affiliations

WA-NOPREN is administratively housed in the Department of Health Services in the School of Public Health at the University of Washington, in Seattle, Washington.

We are one of five Prevention Research Centers (University of Washington, Harvard University, New York University, Tulane University, and Texas A&M) that together form the national NOPREN. The national network is coordinated by the PRC at Harvard.

The other four PRC pilot project focus areas are:

  • Harvard: Sugar Sweetened Beverages Initiative
  • Texas A&M: Rural Small Store Point of Purchase
  • NYU: Developing Obesity Policies and Understanding Calorie Labeling
  • Tulane: Understand Policy Enactment: A Case Study of the New Orleans Fresh Food Retail Incentives Program

Our Other Affiliated Organizations