questions should I ask to assess nutrient intake?
- How often does the infant breastfeed?
- How frequently is the infant/child fed?
- What formula is used?
- How is formula prepared?
- What is the typical meal pattern?
- What foods does he or she eat?
- How much does he or she eat at one time?
- What supplements are used? (energy, protein, enteral, and vitamin
and mineral)
- Does the child have food allergies or intolerances?
- Are there food restrictions?
questions should I ask to assess behaviors, relationships, and attitudes
related to food?
- What foods are preferred? Disliked?
- Can the child communicate hunger and thirst?
- Who is present at mealtimes?
- What else goes on during mealtime?
- Are mealtimes pleasant?
- How do the parents describe the child’s appetite?
- Is the child interested in eating?
questions should I ask to assess a child’s feeding skills and development?
- When were solid foods introduced?
- Does the child feed himself or herself? With fingers? With utensils?
- When did the child learn to drink from a cup?
- What was the child’s reaction to solids? To finger-feeding? To utensils?
To the cup?
- Are there any foods or textures that the child has difficulty with?
- Does the child have problems chewing or swallowing? Gagging or choking?
- Can the child clearly communicate hunger and thirst?
- How does the child respond when food is offered?
- Does the child eat things that are not considered food; e.g., paint,
clay, dirt?