Hazardous Substances Academic Training

Hazardous Substances Academic Training is a sub-specialty under our Environmental Health Masters program. Further information can be found at http://depts.washington.edu/envhlth/acad_programs/eh/degree/MS-EH.php

This specialized curriculum is designed to train students in the recognition, evaluation and control of hazardous chemical and biological agents in the environment, with an emphasis on protecting workers in hazardous waste site remediation and building decontamination. The curriculum is administered by the program in Environmental Health (EH) of the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences. Trainees receiving HSAT support must:

  • enroll in an approved MS curriculum (EH or ES)
  • complete a core of 15 credits (ENVH 446, 541 and 574; 2 of 3 of ENVH 543, 577 and 584)
  • conduct their Masters’ research on a topic relevant to occupational health issues arising from
  • management of hazardous substances
  • complete a 40 hour Hazardous Waste Operator (HAZWOPER) training course or equivalency

Further information about the Masters of Science degree in Environmental Health.