Imaging indoor tracer-gas concentrations with computed tomography: experimental results with a remote-sensing FTIR system

Yost MG, Gadgil AJ, Drescher AC, Zhou Y, Simonds MA, Levine SP, Nazaroff WW, Saisan PA

This work demonstrates for the first time the feasibility computed tomography (CT) reconstructions of pollutant concentrations in a real room setting. A remote sensing Fourier transform infrared spectrometer was mounted on a moving base in a controlled ventilation chamber. A passive tracer was released from a point source into the room under constant ventilation conditions. A series of experiments gathered multiple path-averaged measurements in a two-dimensional plane for CT reconstruction. Simultaneous readings were gathered with a multiple-point sampling array for later comparison to the CT reconstructed concentrations. Good qualitative agreement between the reconstruction and point sample data was obtained. Limitations encountered due to the temporal resolution, size, and geometry of the experimental apparatus are clearly surmountable with better instrumentation.


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