This is a 2-quarter series in human physiology and anatomy that is offered in Autumn and Winter quarters. The course series is designed to satisfy the prerequisite for human anatomy and physiology for the UW school of pharmacy.
Registration was restricted to prepharmacy students during period 1 registration, but is now open to all students who have completed the prerequisites, and there are still spots available. This course series would be of interest to any student thinking about pursuing a career in healthcare.
The courses are taught in three 1-hour lectures (MWF) with one 2-hour quiz section each week. The quiz sections are taught in small groups, and focus on anatomy, histology, clinical examples, and drug mechanisms. I have attached the lecture schedules from the 2019-2020 school year, which was the first year the course series was taught.
P BIO 375 web page:
P BIO 376 web page:
For further questions about this course, please contact Anna Melby at (