Become a Red Cross Volunteer

Red Cross has volunteer positions open specifically within Disaster Cycle Services to join the Sheltering team from now-the end of 2020 for the Hurricane Wildfire Season. 

PURPOSE: Despite the current pandemic, our need to provide shelter to individuals and families affect by disaster is vital. To meet the unique challenges and new guidelines this hurricane/wildfire season, more volunteers than normal are needed to support shelters if the need arises. Volunteers are needed to support the day-to-day activities within a shelter which may include working in reception, registration, feeding, dormitory, information, or other areas within a shelter. Free online training will be provided.

TIME COMMITMENT: If the need arises, volunteers are asked to commit to multiple local shifts of 4, 6 or 12 hours each with a commitment of 14 consecutive days. For those able to travel outside of their local area, a commitment of at least 14 consecutive days, working 8 or 12 hour shifts is required.

For more information:

Local Volunteer Recruiter:

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