Hey AED members!

LAST CHANCE TO SIGN UP FOR ISIS TOURS! ISIS is an institute for simulation for surgery at the UW med center where you will get to see life-like mannequins and the surgical da vinci simulators/machines that medical students, residents, and doctors use to practice different scenarios and techniques!

Here are the 3 tours: Tues, Oct. 25th (1-2pm) Friday, Nov. 18th (3-4 pm) Friday, Dec. 9th (9-10 am)

Let me know ASAP if you haven’t signed up yet and are interested in attending one of these tours. We have plenty of room still especially on our Tues, October 25th and Friday, Dec 9th tour dates! Email me at to sign up for a tour!

Thanks, Val Young AED Social Chair 2011-2012

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