MEDIC 11/27 – IRB Guest Speakers

On Tuesday, November 27th in Health Sciences T wing room 359 from 5 to 6:30, MEDIC will hold its next meeting. We will be joined by Emily Guthrie and Shannon Sewards from the UW Human Subjects Division. Our discussion will focus on how the Internal Review Board operates and what types of issues it has faced, focusing mainly on biomedical and clinical research.

If you want to read more about these topics before our meeting, this link provides some background information:

Navigating the Health Sciences building can be tricky. Enter Health Sciences through the T wing overpass entrance. Go down one floor to the third floor, turn right, turn left at the first hallway, and when that hallway tees, room 359 is just to your right. Bring your friends! Snacks will be provided.

If you have any questions, feel free to email us at and be sure to like us on facebook at for updates about MEDIC and bioethics in the media.

Hope to see you Tuesday, Zach Simon, Ceri Weber, Michelle Drews, Vishu Anekonda and Claire Simon

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