glo: Faculty Research Seminar Series: Mon, May 6 at 4:00 pm, Ninth and Jefferson Building, *Room 1309*

Please join us for another Global Health Faculty Research Seminar, by which we hope to foster learning, communication, and collaboration between Department of Global Health members from different centers, programs, and initiatives. After the seminar, there will be wine and cheese to enjoy. This series is open to the public and is held on the first Monday of the month beginning at 4:00 pm. The upcoming seminar is on Monday, May 6, with Rachel Nugent, PhD . Her talk is entitled, “NCDs in the Post-2015 Development Agenda: The Case of Tobacco Taxes.” Location: Ninth and Jefferson Building (NJB), Room 1309. 325 9th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98104. Time: Seminar: 4:00-5:00 p.m. Light reception to follow from 5:00-5:30 p.m. This seminar will be webcast and accessible in real-time at Participants should select “Enter as Guest” and type their name. Interaction from remote participants will be limited to typed-chat. Please see the attached flyer for more information on this event, as well as future seminars. If you are a faculty member here at the Department of Global Health and would like to participate, please reply and we will forward your email to series co-directors, Jennifer Slyker and Stephane Verguet. pdf iconRachel Nugent May 6.pdf default iconUntitled attachment 00646.txt

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