AMSA Connection Mentors

Hey everyone! The officers would like to offer you a chance to participate in a new program that we’re launching. The AMSA Connection program is one where you sign up to be mentored by an upperclassman officer of AMSA. Each officer has unique experiences, insights, and wisdom on the matter of being a pre-Med student. As a mentee, the benefits you have are: 1. Having a direct contact within AMSA (useful for up-to-date pre-Med opportunities/events/networking) 2. Gaining access to someone who knows how to navigate pre-Med courses, general requirements, applications, MCAT, etc. 3. Someone other than an intimidating professor, principal investigator, physician, etc. that can help you develop your true passion/inspiration for Medicine 4. Support on this crazy journey to medical school! We want you to become a doctor as much as you want yourself to become a doctor. 5. Much more! J If this is something you’re interested in, stay posted for an upcoming “Officers Biography” post where you can learn about all your potential mentors. We’ll be posting a Canvas/Catalyst poll online where you may make your top 3 choices for mentors; we’ll accommodate the numbers accordingly. Further program specifics will be given out about the structure of the program soon! -Your AMSA Officers — American Medical Student Association University of Washington | Autumn Quarter Meetings Bimonthly on Wednesdays Savery 130 @ 5:30 pm

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