AED End of Quarter Announcements

Greetings Premeds, If you are reading this email, then you have survived finals week! I have a plethora of end of quarter announcements that I wanted to share with you all early in the break and I will also be sending a reminder when the new quarter is about to start. First–and sorry for the additional change–the General Meeting for Winter Quarter will be Thursdays from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM in Savery 260 with the first meeting being January 9. Study session times and location will announced later. We will also be partnering with The Princeton Review to proctor a practice MCAT exam. It will be on Saturday, January 11, 2014 and the cost to take this test is $5 for official AED members and $8 for non-AED members. Please RSVP for this event: ( For those who are eligible for the AED Physician Shadowing Program, you should be receiving an email by the end of this coming week with a link to a catalyst survey with our shadowing guidelines and to choose your specialties. Later during the break, you will receive an email with a physician’s contact information. If you have any questions or do not receive either of these emails by the end of the break, please contact our Membership Chair, Nik ( Lastly, thank you to everyone who helped make AED great this past quarter. We hope that we have been able to make AED enjoyable and worthwhile for everyone so please fill out this survey if you have any comments, concerns, or suggestions for us: ( Enjoy the break everyone! Happy holidays and have a happy New Year! – Jack Mo Webmaster, AED 2013-2014 Unsubscribe:

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