Medical Assistant Position

Dermatology Arts is looking for a professional, highly motivated, and experience-driven employee to work as a medical assistant. Our medical assistants work side by side with the physician and are able to gain a great deal of hands-on experience in the medical field. You will learn to conduct patient intake interviews, take HPI’s, document medical histories, assist in excisions and biopsies, schedule appointments, receive referrals, send out prescriptions, clean instruments, etc. This is a great opportunity for anyone who is looking to pursue a future career in healthcare. Not only does it allow you to shadow a physician and get paid while doing it, but it allows you to learn medical terms and charting. It will also put you one step ahead of other candidates looking to pursue medical school, PA school, nursing school, or other healthcare programs. To apply contact: Dr. Samir Master at<> Please attach your resume, transcripts, and anything else you think might assist us in the hiring process.

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