Volunteer with the Puget Sound Blood Center

Imagine Saving a Life! Volunteer with the Puget Sound Blood Center Looking for a fun, flexible, convenient way to give back to the community? Puget Sound Blood Center regularly holds blood drives on the UW campus. Volunteers are needed to serve donors refreshments and monitor them following their donation. Volunteering is as important as donating blood. Without volunteers, we’d never be able to do what we do — supply our local hospitals with blood so patients in our community are able to get life-saving transfusions when they need them. Volunteer scheduling is flexible. Go on-line and sign up for a shift(s) that fits your schedule. Shifts are 2-3 hours. Steps to volunteering: 1. Print out a volunteer application and reference forms at http://www.psbc.org/volunteers/index.htm 2. Call or email the volunteer coordinator to set up an orientation (takes about 1 hour) 3. Get started when it works with your schedule! Interested? Contact Robyn Chernick at Robync@psbc.orgRobync@psbc.org> or call 206-427-1654 Robyn Chernick Volunteer Services Coordinator Puget Sound Blood Center blood services | medicine | research 10357 Stone Ave. N, Seattle, WA. 98133 P (425) 412-1012 * C (206) 427-1654 robync@psbc.orgjoniki@psbc.org> * psbc.org From: JULIE LANCOUR [mailto:jlancour@uw.edu] Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2014 1:00 PM To: Robyn Chernick Subject: RE: volunteer opportunities Hello Robyn, Yes, I would love to post those opportunities to the UW’s Pre-Health Blog. If you would send me, in plain text, the details of the event: date, time, location, expected duties, whom to contact and any other pertinent information, I will get it up right away. And once I have that information, you can always email me to request a reposting throughout the quarter. Best, Julie Lancour Julie A. Lancour, M.Ed. Academic Counselor – Lead University of Washington, Seattle Undergraduate Academic Affairs Advising jlancour@uw.edujlancour@uw.edu> 206-543-2550 appts: http://www.booknow.so/julielancour From: Robyn Chernick [mailto:RobynC@psbc.org] Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2014 12:02 PM To: prehealth@uw.eduprehealth@uw.edu> Subject: volunteer opportunities Hello, I am the volunteer coordinator for the Puget Sound Blood Center. We have approximately 10-12 blood drives on the UW campus each month and I am looking for student volunteers to help support these blood drives. Would you be able to post these opportunities for me? What exactly do you need from me? Previously, I was working with Heather Spence and she referred me to this email address after she left the UW. Thank you. Robyn Chernick Volunteer Services Coordinator Puget Sound Blood Center blood services | medicine | research 10357 Stone Ave. N, Seattle, WA. 98133 P (425) 412-1012 * C (206) 427-1654 robync@psbc.orgjoniki@psbc.org> * psbc.org Follow PSBC on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter *************************************************************************************************** This e-mail and any attachments may contain confidential and privileged information. It has been scanned for viruses. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail, delete this e-mail and destroy any copies. Any dissemination, use, review, disclosure, or distribution of this information by a person other than the intended recipient is unauthorized and may be illegal. Follow PSBC on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter *************************************************************************************************** This e-mail and any attachments may contain confidential and privileged information. It has been scanned for viruses. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail, delete this e-mail and destroy any copies. Any dissemination, use, review, disclosure, or distribution of this information by a person other than the intended recipient is unauthorized and may be illegal.

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