Gabor Mate events hosted by Health Sciences Schools, GPSS, ASUW

Hello, This year the Health Sciences Common Book Series is hosting a special event, in partnership with GPSS and ASUW, happening on Feb. 19th. The event will feature guest author Gabor Maté, author of the book Into the Realm of Hungry Ghosts. Attached are the all of the flyers for the upcoming Gabor Maté events. One flyer is also produced by the Health Equity Circle as well which isn’t attached. These need to be given to the pre-health science advising staff, in effort to promote advertisement that might be of interest to pre-health undergraduates. If you or the students have any questions, please feel free to email me at Thank you, David Fernando Student Assistant Regional Affairs, Dean of Medicine UW School of Medicine, 356340 1959 NE Pacific St. Seattle, WA 98195-6340 pdf icon Gabor-Maté-Flyer-2.pdf
pdf icon Screening-of-Bevel-Flyer.pdf
pdf icon Common-Book-Series-Final.pdf

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