Spotlight on 4 Pipeline Seminars for Spring

* College Readiness: Beyond the Grade EDUC 401E Wed: 2-3:20pm This seminar is designed as an exploration into the world of contemporary political, social, and educational issues in K-12 public schools. Students will learn about pressing educational topics, issues, and questions (such as the achievement gap, Race to the Top, and charter schools) while concurrently tutoring in a local school and experiencing how these concepts play out on the ground level. * Refugee Communities EDUC 401J 5:50-6:50pm Have you ever imagined what it would be like to flee your country and arrive in a new one where you didn’t understand its language, codes, norms or values? This is the reality for millions of refugees around the world, including Seattle. Are you interested in learning more about this situation and helping some of the most vulnerable in our community? If so, sign up for this class! This is a great opportunity to learn about refugee issues, raise awareness and explore writing as well. * Philosophy For Children EDUC 401L Thurs. 3-4:20pm In this seminar, students explore various methods for introducing philosophy to K-12 students. The seminar focuses on ways in which to establish “communities of philosophical inquiry” in classrooms, and students develop an understanding of how to inspire philosophical discussions with pre-college students. The emphasis is on learning by doing, and we will discuss such questions as: Why should I be moral? What is art? Do animals have rights? Students will facilitate philosophy sessions in local public schools. UCARs are available for transportation to and from schools. * Race, Power, and Privilege; What it Means in Seattle Public Schools EDUC 401M Thurs. 2-3:20pm At every Pipeline Orientation we examine a map of racial demographics in Seattle Public Schools. The race and class divide between North and South Seattle is pronounced. We will examine local history and the legacy of institutionalized racism. Let’s get a personal understanding of priviledge, oppression, and liberation. We will talk critically about what it means to tutor across significant differences. This seminar will be interractive, experiential, and we will tackle some challenging topics. Our goal is to open more opportunities for equitable and transformative relationships for tutors going into Pipeline target schools. default iconATT00001.c

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