REU at Mount Rainier National Park, Washington

An NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates summer fellowship is available to study the impacts of climate change on plant communities in the Pacific Northwest. The undergraduate researcher will work in Dr. HilleRisLambers lab (University of Washington, Seattle), with field work conducted at Mt. Rainier National Park. Broad research topics in the lab include the relationship between plant performance and climate, the determinants of range limits, plant-pollinator interactions as mediated by phenology, and the effects of climate and soil conditions on high elevation plants. The REU will contribute to this ongoing NSF funded research as well as execute in an independent research project on the roles of plant traits, pollinator visitation, and climate in determining the performance of several focal subalpine wildflowers. A stipend of $2000/month will be provided, as well as travel, housing and food while in the field. Dates: mid-June to mid-September (some flexibility). To be eligible, you must be a US citizen or permanent resident currently working towards a Bachelor’s degree in a related field. To apply, please 1) fill out an informational survey on the following website ( , where you will be asked several questions relating to your interest in and qualifications for this position and asked to list two references; and 2) send a CV/resume and unofficial transcript to with the words ³2014 Mt. Rainier REU position² in the subject line. For more information on research conducted in the lab, please see the following website: and for more information related to the REU project see the website: Review of applications will start April 1th, and decisions will be made by early May. Please email with questions.

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