A few more spaces in DPHS 201: Planning a Career in Dentistry for the Future

DPHS 201 Planning a Career in Dentistry for the Future (2) Weinstein Future-oriented overview of important concepts in dental science, contemporary modes of patient treatment, and dental-care delivery systems. Provides firsthand exposure to practice of dentistry and prerequisite materials in oral anatomy, epidemiology, and other basic sciences subjects. This class is offered once a year in Spring Quarter. Time schedule info: >12939 A 2 W 330-520 HST T359 WEINSTEIN,PHILIP 24/ 30E COME TO HEALTH SCIENCES, B-224 TO PRESENT PROOF OF REQUIRED IMMUNIZATIONS & OBTAIN ENTRY CODE (JKOHN@UW.EDU) TB TEST WITHIN LAST YEAR, TETANUS- DIPTHERIA WITHIN LAST 10 YEARS,MEASLES – MUMPS – RUBELLA IMMUNIZATIONS, HEPATITIS B SERIES OF 3 INJECTIONS, CHICKEN POX HISTORY OF DISEASE OR IMMUNIZATION.

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