FREE LinkedIn photo booth at the Career Center

The Career Center is coordinating a FREE LinkedIn photo booth leading up to our Spring Career Fair. The booth is available on Tuesday, April 15th in MGH 134 from 12:00 – 3:00pm. Students, alumni, staff, and employers are all welcome to stop by and obtain a free professional headshot for use on various social media platforms. We will also have tips on how to maximize this tool for new and experienced users like. [cid:image010.jpg@01CF527C.D3E73100] Tina I. Wang Senior Career Counselor> *206.685.6216 * Connect with me on LinkedIn The Career Center University of Washington * 134 Mary Gates Hall, UW Box 352810 * Seattle, WA 98195 [Description: Description: The Career Center at the University of Washington] [Facebook Logo] [Glassdoor Logo] [LinkedIn Logo] [Youtube Logo] [Pinterest] [Twitter]

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