UW Dive Into Dentistry Day July 19th 2014

Dive into Dentistry Day 2014 will be held at the University of Washington School of Dentistry on July 19th, 2014! Please visit our website for all of the details and to register: https://sites.google.com/site/diveintodentistry/contact Students who attend this event will get to experience the life of a dental student with hands-on dental activities (cutting cavity preps, filling cavities, practicing sutures, taking impressions, etc.), insider information about the dental school admissions process, mock interview sessions, and much more! Current dental students and faculty will be on hand to network with and introduce pre-dental students to the UWSOD! As past pre-dental students, we want to acknowledge all you do for your students and would appreciate you passing along the information for Dive into Dentistry Day 2014. We know this will be a wonderful event that will introduce students to dental school and motivate them to reach their goal of joining the dental profession! Thank you for your time and looking forward to working with you all! Sincerely, Emily Yepez Class of 2017 D.D.S. Candidate University of Washington ASDA Chapter

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