AED’s first ever TRIAGE Event

AED’s first ever TRIAGE Event is being held on Saturday, May 31st from 1:00-4:00 pm in Savery 260 and the HUB Lawn. Do high-stakes events excite you? Are you interested in emergency medicine, surgery, trauma, or working in the ICU? Just want to know what Triage is or how it can apply to civilians in a natural or man-made disaster? Then this event is for you! You will hear first-hand from a volunteer Firefighter/ EMT and CERT member about what it’s like to respond to and to be on the scene of a disaster. You will also learn about the basics of Triage, and why it is important from a healthcare provider. After lectures, we will move to the HUB Lawn and YOU will have the chance to practice the Triage skills you learned with your fellow “first responders”! This event is completely FREE! We just ask that you RSVP HERE: Hope to see you all next Saturday! Sayward Nelson

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