Undergraduate research assistant position – paid

What happens to snow after it falls in Antarctica? Professor Ed Waddington and graduate student Max Stevens in Earth and Space Sciences are developing a computer model to track densification of snow as it turns into ice on a cold glacier, and to study how air ultimately gets trapped in the bubbles in the ice. (Think carbon dioxide and temperature from the distant past.) We are searching for an undergraduate research assistant to help with this project. Tasks the student may perform include: – Model development, e.g. writing code and debugging – Converting code from Matlab to Python – Website development – Assisting with interpreting result from experiments using the model The ideal candidate will have: – Proficiency in Python and Matlab programming languages – Interest in earth sciences/glaciology – Knowledge of physics and chemistry -HTML and Java programming experience -numerical computer modeling experience This is a paid, hourly position. The expected time commitment is 6 hours/week (negotiable). We are looking for someone can start either over the summer or at the beginning of the fall quarter and who is willing to commit to the position through the end of the 2014-2015 academic year. There may be opportunities to attend and present at science meetings and for international travel to visit collaborators’ labs. Interested applicants should send a resume and cover letter to Max Stevens at maxstev@uw.edumaxstev@uw.edu> and cc edw@uw.eduedw@uw.edu>.

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