Pipeline is Hiring a Work Study Eligible Student Staff!

Pipeline is Hiring a Work Study Eligible Student Staff!

About Pipeline:
The Pipeline Project is a K-12 outreach program that recruits UW students to tutor and mentor in Seattle area K-12 schools and community organizations. Each year, the Pipeline Project coordinates over 700 UW volunteer K-12 tutors, promoting the academic success of struggling students in Seattle. The Pipeline Project is housed in the UW’s Center for Experiential Learning and Diversity.

We are currently seeking a Program and Outreach Assistant (work study eligible) to work 10-19 hour per week from January through June 2015. Compensation is $10.50/hour.

Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Work as a part of the exciting Pipeline Project team to recruit UW volunteers for K-12 tutoring through flyers, emails, list serve, Facebook and recruiting events.
  • Support students through one-on-one drop-ins and answering email inquiries.
  • Lead weekly Pipeline orientations for new tutors.
  • Help to coordinate Alternative Spring Break program where students spend their spring break in rural communities throughout Washington State working on a literacy arts or environmental science project in elementary and middle school classrooms.
  • Staff the front desk of the Center for Experiential Learning (maximum 1.5 hours per week)
  • Provide webpage and list serve support

Minimum Qualifications:

  • Interest and experience in K-12 education issues.
  • Well organized, thorough and detail oriented.
  • Ability to multi-task and prioritize
  • Ability to work independently.
  • Knowledge of MS Word, Access, Excel.
  • Experience volunteering with Pipeline is a plus!

Educational Benefits:

  • Gain first-hand experience with local and regional schools and educational programs.
  • Learn outreach and facilitation skills with networking opportunities among students, faculty and community partners.
  • Learn organization and project management skills.
  • This is a great learning environment and supportive working atmosphere. It is an opportunity to take part in innovative and diverse programming that touches on many aspects and issues of our local, regional and national educational scene.

How to Apply:
If you are interested and are work study eligible, please send a cover letter and resume to pipeline@uw.edu by Wednesday, December 10th at 5:00pm.
Read more about the Pipeline Project here.



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