Disability Awareness Week (May 23-28)

*Disability Awareness Week! (May 23-28)*

From May 23 thru May 28, 2011, the ASUW Student Disability Commission will be hosting Disability Awareness Week, a series of events celebrating disability as an aspect of diversity and identity. The week long series of events will include a panel discussion on the future of accessible technology, an evening of disability poetry and art, a flash mob that highlights different forms of communication and a Deaf storytelling night with a variety of signed performances. The intent of these events are to promote disability rights, identity and social justice as well as bringing together students with disabilities on campus to build community. Through these events, the Commission hopes to create a more welcoming environment for students with disabilities that is free from stigma, discrimination and oppression.

*For more information, please visit www.uwdaw.wordpress.com*

*Schedule: *

*Mon May 23*

*3:00-4:30pm* Redefining the Body: A Panel Discussion on the Future of Accessible Technology@ Mary Gates Hall Room 288

*Tue May 24*

*5-7pm* Film Screening: “The Couple”@ Odegaard Library 220

*Wed May 25*

*12:20pm** *Every Body Freeze, Now!@ Red Square

*Thur May 26*

*6:30-8:30pm* Cripping Culture: A Live Poetry Slam and Art Show@ Parnassus

*Fri May 27*

*7-9pm* Celebration Dinner@ Shultzy’s (RSVP via email: asuwswdc@uw.edu)

*Sat May 28*

*7-9pm* Mr. Shineyhead presents: “A Storytelling Extravaganza”@ Parrington Hall Commons Room 308

WARNING: DISABILITY POETRY AND ART EVENT COMING YOUR WAY!!! Cripping Culture: A Live Poetry Slam and Art Show!

This is an announcement to let y’all know about a very special brand new event taking place during this year’s Disability Awareness Week (May 23rd – 28th) on the UW campus.

We are excited to bring / build community and celebrate disability through poetry and performance at a live performance/open mic event.

We invite anyone and everyone interested in participating in any way to email us at: asuwswdc@uw.edu

In order to organize this event we ask that you email us a short description of your art piece so we can accommodate your participation and create a working line-up.

This is an event intended to celebrate all kinds of disability, art, and artists (and audiences too!) This means: all types of performance/ expression is encouraged. So— feel free to share a poem, sing a song, play an instrument, display an art piece etc.

*The Deets:*

*WHAT:* Cripping Culture: A Live Poetry Slam and Art Show *WHERE: *Parnassus Café (basement of Art building on UW campus) *WHEN: *Thursday May 26th 6:30-8:30pm *WHO: *Sponsored by ASUW Students with Disabilities Commission *WHY: *Build community and connection, participate in Disability Awareness Week *HOW: *Want to perform: email asuwswdc@uw.edu or show up to support and enjoy!

*Deaf Storytelling Night – CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS!*

*Mr. Shineyhead Presents: A Story-telling Extravaganza!*

The ASUW Student Disability Commission will be hosting a Deaf Storytelling Night on Saturday, May 28, 2011 at the University of Washington. We’ll begin the evening with a fun and expressive performance by Deaf actor and artist, Patrick Fisher (aka Mr. Shineyhead), as he presents “A Storytelling Extravaganza: A sign mime performance with poetry, comedy, and dark tales.” His performance will include a mix of short stories, including stand-up comedy about his life experience through the hearing-world. All of the stories are produced with amazing use of classifiers and sign mime, and are excellent examples of the range and complexity of American Sign Language.

Afterwards, we welcome community members, ASL students, Deaf performers and actors, etc. to perform signed skits, stories or poetry. If you are interested in performing at the event, please email a short description of your performance to asuwswdc@uw.edu.

* Event Details:*

Mr. Shineyhead presents: “A Storytelling Extravaganza!”

Date/Time: May 28, 2011, 7-9pm Location: Parrington Hall Commons (Room 308), University of Washington For more information or to send submissions, email asuwswdc@uw.edu.

*Every Body Freeze, Now!*

*Flash Mob for Disability Awareness*

12:20pm @ Red Square

*Every Body Freeze, Now* is a collaborative project to raise disability awareness by gathering a diversity of people (of varying ability, race, sex, gender, sexual orientation, age, and allies), flooding Red Square, and freezing in unison. Integral aspects of the flash mob will be voice description, ASL interpretation and Braille translations of campus signage to raise awareness of access as well as different ways of perceiving and experiencing Red Square, a public common space. The aim is to create an accessible and inclusive event, drawing attention to disability and other forms of diversity on campus. Stopping people in their tracks, the event invites the passers-by to rethink diversity, the built environment, and dominant ways of processing information.

See the website for more information & how to get involved: http://faculty.washington.edu/kochj/freezenow.html

For more information, please contact Ann Luetzow (ann.luetzow@gmail.com).

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