MD-PhD Twitter Chat — Additional Date, August 18

MD-PhD Pic

There will be an additional MD-PhD Twitter Chat on August 18 – this time, current MD-PhD students will also respond via Twitter #ASKMDPHD!

Feel free to share with your students and get all of your MD-PhD questions answered.

Please be sure to mark your questions with #ASKMDPHD

Questions will be answered from 9 am – 5 PM (EST) on August 18th by:

  • Dr. Olaf Andersen, Tri-Institutional MD-PhD Program Director
  • Ruth Gotian, Tri-Institutional MD-PhD Program Administrative Director
  • MD-PhD Students:

Farid Aboharb (2nd year)

Gustav Cederquist (4th year)

Claire Kenney (2nd year)

Lisa Noble (6th year)

Jonathan Steinman (6th year)


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