UW Synapse Executive Board Positions


UW Synapse is one chapteĀ of a national movement to improve the quality of care for people with Traumatic Brain Injuries. We are dedicated to providing a unique resource to this underserved community, looking for ways to reinvent support-group care and tailor it very closely to what members of this community need and want. We emphasize the value of community and the impact it can have on those we serve. We strive, in other words, for a sense of belonging and inclusion above all also.

As we are intimately part of the Seattle community, we work closely with physicians, experts in the field, and many others who have dedicated their lives to serving this community. If you are interested in making a true difference in others’ lives, then we warmly invite you to apply to be a part of our Executive Board for the next year.

Executive Board position descriptions and the application can be found here. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Jessica Lo, the president and founder of UW Synapse at: jesslo@uw.edu

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