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Huang, Ivan

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Huang, Ivan

January 14, 2016      In Cohort 3 (2007) Comments Off on Huang, Ivan

Hi, I’m Ivan. I’m Asian. I’m a freshman. I think that’s enough for background. Do you believe that 1+1=3? It can’t be true? Nothing is impossible unless you can prove it wrong and this is one of my mottos. I hold the same belief for aliens and UFOs. I’m fascinated by the borderless universe and the endless discoveries of the space. It’s interesting to see a star forms, but you know what’s more interesting to see? It’s a dying star, because it’s even more beautiful (you can look it up on Google). What is my goal in this course? I really want to discover a new star and name it to Ivan, so, I can secure a place for myself when the earth really has to explode because of “global warming”. I know this is going to be fun and hope you will enjoy it too.

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