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Wilson, Bri

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Wilson, Bri

January 14, 2016      In Cohort 4 (2008) Comments Off on Wilson, Bri

I’m a Sophomore and live in Lake Forest Park. I have no idea what my major is going to be so I am currently taking as many different classes as possible to find out what I like. I decided to take Pre-MAP because I figure that any cool opportunity should be taken advantage of, especially if my major is undecided! I enjoy science classes, particularly Physics, and also English and Philosophy classes. I plan on becoming a Seattle firefighter so I swim and workout everyday to prepare myself best I can for the job. I also am part of the Seattle Fire Cadet program, which is essentially a jumpstart into the world of firefighting! Love it! Oh and my passion is Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Lattes!

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